The Two Personalities Of Felix Kjellberg (A/N)

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A/N: Hey bros! I'm just saying now that this is fiction, there are some facts here, like the specifics, but it's hard making a factful, truthful, Fan Fiction about someone so famous (even though he denies it, he is) while making it have a message that can make you think. I hope you enjoyed this first chapter, it was just a way to introduce Jenny and her personality, I also have nothing against the bro's before you get all antsy, again, it just helps with the message of this piece and how you think of it in general when you look back once you've read it (or am I the only one who thinks over a piece of wrting once they've finsihed?) Anyway, thank you for reading so much, it gives me more and more confidence to write and it boosts my own self promotion because I believe in myself more and more with each read! Oh! If you liked this then follow me on Wattpad or like my Facebook Page: GKGarrington to let you know when the next chapter's coming!

I'll let you read this fabulous fanfiction now!


GKGarrington xxxx

The Two Personalities Of Felix KjellbergWhere stories live. Discover now