1 - Meeting Him For The First Time

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Wow, that speech was a complete and utter drag! I thought a weekend away talking about different charities and maybe donating to some would be fun, enjoyable, and make me feel like a better person. Nope. It was one of the most boring weekends of my life, but I'd payed for an entire weekend's worth of entertainment, charity work, and 5 - star luxury and free breakfast so I was going to stay whether it was going to kill me or not! In truth, I was mostly staying for the free breakfast. While I was contemplating making a break for it and driving home as fast as I could, a tall man with dirty blond floppy hair and dusty grey eyes stepped onto the podium, his face was kind and his smile was inviting, plus there was something about him that made him appear as adorable and sexy. I figured adorable sexiness was worth another soul-drenching lecture.

'Hello everyone my name is Felix Kjellberg, and, uh, I'm here to tell you about my, uh, charity campaign for "Save The Children",' his voice was soft and quiet and he was having to think through his English, it was obvious he was foreign from his accent but I couldn't pin it down, he almost came off as shy, if it weren't for the way he stood up straight with his chin held high I would've thought he had some sort of social anxiety! '"Save the Children" is a great charity that helps children in really bad situations in life get a boost to have a better one. The best example I can give is from the amount of money the Charity has, um, raised for the country of, uh, Jordan where Since March 2012, the charity has, uh, helped 421,000 people in Jordan, including, uh, 237,000 children. The food vouchers and packets are helping children stay, uh, fed and the daily bread, um, distribution reaches, uh, 91,000 people, uh, every day. The charity is also responsible for, uh, training of Syrian teachers, um, at four schools at refugee camps and, uh, also run safe places where children, uh, can play with friends! In four weeks I've already raised £1million which is just; amazing and I couldn't be, uh, any more proud but there are still a few, uh, weeks left to raise money for the organisation so I'm, uh, very hopeful.' The room clapped and smiled in support while I couldn't help but examine the young man, trying to figure out who he was, there was a large group of people at the back whooping and cheering, chanting his name, there were a few teenage girls who made a bee-line for him and out of curiosity and boredom I followed them just as a large bald statue clomped his way to the podium to follow up his intriguing predecessor.

I was at the back of the group of 20 or so teenage girls and boys blocking the man's path to his hotel room asking for photos, videos, and autographs. It got even more confusion from me when he kept calling them "bros". I hadn't heard that word in four years when I was 16 myself! When the stampede split to search for more prey, I approached the now tired young man, he looked down at me and smiled, I hated being 5 foot 5 inches but it had some rare advantages at times. He smiled and his teeth were gleaming white and his eyes seemed to smile with them; but there was something in the man's eyes that seemed withered and exhausted.

'Hi there, uh;' the young man looked at me blankly, hopefully expecting a response, his voice was kind but it seemed to croak with some words he said.

'Jenny.' I finished to give him my name, my voice still perky from not speaking to anyone for the entire weekend. Mostly because there was no one worth talking to until now.

'Hi Jenny, what would you like? I haven't got a pen if you want an autograph.' He said kindly towards me, his smile glinting in the light. I tilted my head a little to the left and squinted my eyes slightly, my confusion growing the more I was with this man.

'Why would I want an autograph?' I asked slowly, the man shrugged with a smile.

'Most of the bros wanted an autograph; I'm guessing you want, like, a picture or a video for Vine?' I shook my head slowly, my eyes never leaving his, it was now the young man's turn to squint for a few seconds, but then he smiled after a short while.

'Are you here for a business inquiry?' He asked in a more serious tone than the one he used with the teenagers. I widened my eyes at the thought as to why I had approached this young man in the first place.

'Actually, I just wanted a talk; get to know you and your charity work for "Save The Children".' I used the man's charity work to cover up the fact that so far he seemed really cool and the only person worth talking to in this whole shabby seminar.

'Okay, sure, I have to, uh, get changed now but, uh, we can meet up at a Café?' We agreed that we'd meet in the hotel's mini restaurant at 6:00 and then I let him be on his way, still confused about the swarm of teenagers and why he thought I wanted his autograph. It made me wonder why there were teenagers at a charity organisation anyway, there were many more exciting things to do in the world when you're 13-16 years old than think about charities. As I passed the group of teens I heard hushed tones of admiration and the repeated word "PewDiePie" came up in their quiet, yet somehow frantic, conversation. I was about to ask who - or what - PewDiePie was when I followed their eye line to see some of them staring at the speaker who went before the young man I had just met; Felix? I'd have to make sure with my brochure while I got changed, surely it would have the order of the speakers and he was second - to - last.

At least there was only an hour left of boredom to put up with.

The Two Personalities Of Felix KjellbergWhere stories live. Discover now