20 • Cupid Ball

Start from the beginning

"Uhm, okay." You say after a minute of blacking out, since you didn't know if the Jaeseok just asked you out or you're just being delusional.

He smiles, and you swear it was one of the biggest and most genuine grins he gave to a person. It was like he's washed over with relief that you agreed to being his partner. "O-Okay, I-I don't know your address--"

"Oh it's okay. Let's just meet at the party," You say and return the smile.

"Okay, bye. I'll see you tomorrow then."

You nod, not knowing what say anymore. He waves at you and leaves you still dazed at what happened.

You return to your classroom and see Mirae staring at you with pity.

You only smile sweetly at her and she approaches you.

"Y/n I'm--"

"Forget it," You state and smile, now it was genuine unlike what happened in the cafeteria, "I'm over it."

She is startled, and an unsure smile takes over her face. "O-Oh. Okay. What are you wearing tomorrow?"

"It's a secret," You reply and laugh evilly.

She laughs along with you and say, "Let's fix each other together tomorrow."

You grin as you nod in agreement. "Okay, let's do it at your place since your date is picking us up."


While you are on the mirror fixing your hair, Mirae already got her hair done. She looks outside her window and smiles as she sees the familiar car in the driveway and runs up to you.

"Jungha's here," Mirae giddily says.

Jungha is Mirae's date and boyfriend. At first you didn't approve him but you gradually saw how sweet and kind he is to your best friend, and now, you and Jungha became quite close now.

The two of you are looking gorgeous tonight. Mirae looks stunning in her semi revealing illusion dress that accentuated her wonderful curves. She looked beautiful as usual in her pearl white gown.

You look just as stunning or maybe even more. You had on a floor length gown with tiny floral patternd embellishing the top of your gown. The dress was a nice shade of blue and caught your eye immediately when you were looking for the perfect dress to wear.

You still haven't told Mirae that your date for the event is Jaeseok but she knows that you already have one. Only she doesn't know that it is the one and only Jaeseok.

You hoped that Jaeseok would like what he sees and wouldn't regret that he asked you out to be his date.

The three of you go to the venue and Jungha opens the door for the two of you, letting you two girls enter first. You link arms with Mirae.

You search for Jaeseok in the crowd but stop when someone speaks beside you.

"Shall we go in?" He asks in a low voice and grins. He holds out his hand for you to accept.

You nod while smiling and accept his hand. You link arms with him while walking.

Once you reach the red carpet, a lot of cameras flash, shocked to see the two of you together.

"Oh my god is she the one he likes?"

"She's so lucky!"

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