Visitor From The Past

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I immediately curled myself into Jane's body as she wrapped her arm around me. Slowly sleep started to take over. But right before I fell asleep I felt lips gently brush the top of my head.

I awoke to someone shaking me again. I was thankful that this time it wasn't as frantic. Jane was gently shaking my shoulder trying to wake me up.

"Hey sleepy head. Wake up. Aspen is almost done making breakfast." Jane said.

I looked up at her and slowly turned around so I could go back to sleep. I mumbled a good night and pulled the covers over my head. She pulled them back and tried dragging me out of bed. I refused to get up and she really decided to take matters into her own hands. Jane throws me over her shoulder and carries me all the way down stairs.

"Good Morning everyone" Jane says while putting me down.

I look to see Aspen putting everything down on the table. Almost everyone decided to leave yesterday so it's just Jane, Aspen,Kelley, Tobin, Megan, her girlfriend Sue and Ash that are here. Ali left to see her brother and Christen left to visit her family. Everyone else left to see friends and family as well.

I go and sit next to Ash. Everyone serves themselves pancakes, waffles, bacon and eggs while I just get a small bowl of fruit. Ash looks at my bowl and sighs. She cut a pancake in half, put it on a separate plate and slid it over to me. I look at her with fear evident in my eyes. She nods understanding what I want to tell her and pulls the pancake away.

"Hey Aspen. We should go to the mall today. You know go out and socialise. We should be good to go out." Tobin offers an idea.

"I like the way you think Toby." Aspen responds pointing her fork at Tobin. "Who's down to go to the mall?"

Everyone pretty much agrees except for Megan and Sue. They want to have to have a day all to themselves. I don't blame them. They've been away from one another for a while now.

After we finished we get ready to go out. I take a long shower which probably wasn't the best idea. Being alone for a long period of time often brings back thoughts and memories. Especially with the nightmare I had last night. I jump out of the shower quickly before my thoughts take over.

I'm last one that's ready so they're all waiting on me. We get outside and decided to take two cars. Ash,Tobin, and Jane automatically ran towards the black and baby blue 2017 Jeep Wrangler. I decide to ride with Aspen and Kelley in the Escalade, but before I can get into the car I'm being picked up by Jane and being placed in the front seat next to Ash.

"Sorry I just wanted to talk to you so I'm having Jane and Tobin ride with Aspen and Kelley." Ash says pulling out and following Aspen.

I just nod not really wanting to talk right now. I think she noticed that because I heard her sigh.

"Come on Peyton. I know something's wrong. You seemed off this morning at breakfast. I tried giving you more food. But the look you gave me made me worried. I want you to know that you can come to me whenever" I guess she didn't know what else to say.

"I trust you Ash. I really do. But I need a little more time. I relived something last night in a nightmare and I don't want to talk about it right now. Maybe tonight. Just please give me a little more time." I said on the verge of tears.

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