Sweather Weather.

19 1 0

The weather outside is harsh, cruel, and cold.  A little too cold for anyone to be actually happy right? It could be.

But it's a kind of weather that brings you into the arms of the people you love.

But it also could make you suffer in loneliness.

I have been in both situations.

Bouncing between a warm and cold heart, lonely and accompanied, loved and heartbroken.

Such a sad weather could lead to such happy times, it warms my heart, but it could also freeze it too.

So let me get wrapped up in your sweater, I feel warm as I watch it drape toward my legs, and let me playfully whack you with my sleeves.

Or maybe I wrap myself in my favorite comfort blanket, curling diagonally to try and fill up the empty space as I cry to myself.

But whether or not I was heartbroken or in love, I always adored winter.

Mostly because of the way it finds to make or break people.

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