Carving Memories

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Thanksgiving – a holiday that has Red spending most of her morning in the kitchen preparing a delightful feast for her family to graciously devour. Today is no different, aside from the realization it's her first Thanksgiving back home, after decades of being incarcerated, and with many of her new—adopted—family members from prison. The thought alone brings a pleasant smile to her face as she stands in her kitchen, hovering over a counter, where she finishes basting the turkey. She carefully carries it over to the preheated oven and gently lays it on the rack.

"Damn does it smell like heaven in here," Nicky sniffs the air delightfully as she and Lorna walk in from the living room. She sets the pie—that her Italian girlfriend insisted on bringing—on the island before heading over to give her mother a tight embrace. "I know, I know ya said not to bring anything...but Lorna just refused to come empty-handed—ya know how them Italian women are, yeah?"

The brunette scoffs lightly, playfully flicking Nicky on the head. "Oh, please. You know Red loves a nice pumpkin pie for desert and quite frankly, so do you. So ya better just quit your complaining or there might not be any for you, Nicky."

Watching their familiar bickering brings a small laugh out of Red. She wraps her arms lovingly around both of them, placing motherly kisses to each of their heads. "Quit your arguing, girls. It's no big deal. Though, that was very nice of you to make a homemade pie for today, Lorna. And I'm glad you did because I completely forgot about pumpkin pie!" She notes, releasing the embrace and walking over to have a look at the freshly baked desert. One of her favorite fall flavors, she smiles.

Lorna gives a quick smirk to her girlfriend, satisfied to know that her pumpkin pie is – indeed – needed.

Shaking her head with a small chuckle, Nicky pecks the brunette softly on the cheek. "I guess ya did good then, kid."

After hours of cooking and preparing, Red finally has everyone gather in the dining room for the slaved over meal. Everyone gapes their mouth open at the serene table-setting. A white lace table cloth covers the old—restored—wooden table. Placed exquisitely on that is some of the many Russian china Red's acquired from past relatives along with the beautifully baked turkey and all the traditional Thanksgiving sides to accompany it.

"This is absolutely the most beautiful Thanksgiving dinner I've ever seen," the voice of Piper Chapman rings murmuringly through the room. Even in her own wealthy family—that can surely afford such extravagant settings—she's never experienced a holiday quite as gorgeous as the one before her.

Lorna nods in agreement, sitting beside Nicky, and can't help but savor the saintly meal in front of them. Never has she experienced a Thanksgiving feast as lovely as this, especially not with her wacky family. They were lucky if they had a semi-fresh turkey sitting on their table.

A glowing smile spreads on Red's face. She gives a small nod but holds her hand up. "Before you all chow down, I think we should all say something we're thankful for...after all it is Thanksgiving. Let's be thankful," she kindly commands.

"I'll go first," she confirms. Her blue eyes glance slightly over at her daughter, brightening the smile on her face. "I'm thankful for this family we have and, especially, my lovely Nicky." She gives a slight nudge to the redhead, wordlessly telling her that she's next.

Nicky shakes her head; she stares up at her mother with an unreadable expression. "I, uh, I need to go last."

"Oh, what's that? Nichols needs time to think about a reason to be thankful?" Boo chuckles from her spot at the other end of the table.

The redhead sticks up her middle finger and rolls her eyes. "Shut up, Boo. I know what I'm thankful for and that's why I needa be last because the best is always reserved for last," she gives a laughing smirk the short-haired woman's way.

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