Chapter Twenty-Three | The Truth Comes Out

Start from the beginning

"Professor McGonagall told me you and Hermione are studying ten subjects with the aid of a Time Turner. I imagine that, combined with training for the Quidditch matches, is quite taxing," Lupin said with a sympathetic smile.

"You could say that," Ariana agreed, trying her best to ignore her aching back.

"Would you like some tea? I was thinking of making some."

"Um, alright, thanks," Ariana replied, wondering why he was being so nice. It certainly wasn't something the witch was used to, having been raised in an environment completely different to the one she was in now.

"Sit down," Lupin said, tapping a kettle with his wand. A jet of steam tore from the tip, signalling in an abrupt fashion that the liquid inside was ready. "I've only got teabags, I'm afraid - but I daresay you've had enough of tea leaves?"

Ariana looked up at the man from her seat beside his desk and saw his eyes twinkling with mirth. "More than enough," she stated. "I presume someone told you about Christmas lunch?"

"Yes, Professor Sprout. I must say, I found it quite amusing," Lupin said, giving a chipped mug of tea to Ariana. "Are you concerned?"

"No, she has been predicting my gruesome, and apparently imminent, death since the start of the year." Ariana shook her head, a skeptical look upon her face. She didn't know if he was asking about Professor Trelawney's near slip-up. "Honestly, Divination is a wooly subject at best."

A slightly awkward silence ensued, and Ariana filled it by sipping at her scalding tea, which she had cooled down to drinking temperature with her wand.

"How long have you known?" Lupin asked, peering over the rim of his mug at Ariana until he lowered it to his desk.

'Ah,' thought Ariana, 'so we are discussing this. That's why I was invited up here.'

"A few weeks," Ariana replied casually.

Lupin eyed her, as if assessing her. It made an all-too-familiar warmth spread through her stomach, but she never showed any signs of it. His eyes locked with hers, then they studied her face. "Let me guess, you checked a lunar chart and saw that I was always ill during a full moon? Or saw that the Boggart turned into the moon when it saw me?"

"Yes," Ariana nodded. "Also the Wolfsbane Potion. It's quite distinctive, if you know what to look for... I haven't said anything, if that's what you are thinking."

"Might I ask why you haven't? I'm dangerous," he said, his usual cheeriness having all but disappeared from his voice; the white-haired witch knew he was ashamed.

Ariana felt intense pity for hi.She bit her lip briefly, then placed her mug down in his desk, leaning forward in her seat. "You sound ashamed," she said, "You shouldn't. I don't wish to overstep my mark but I know it's not your fault. You seem to be a good man, werewolf or not, and you shouldn't have to suffer at the hands of others because you've been... well, bitten. If I said anything, you'd loose your job. Anyway, you have been a professor here during many lunar cycles and nothing has happened."

Lupin's lips parted a little bit, seemingly shocked by Ariana's words. She knew it was probably because he, as other werewolves, weren't used to someone showing them compassion, sympathising with their conditions, rather than fearing it and shunning them. The witch was completely against werewolf segregation, with a few vicious exceptions, and she wasn't afraid to voice that opinion.

"You are wise beyond your years," the man said in what seemed like awe.

"It's a skill necessary for my survival," the girl stated nonchalantly. "Anyway, I believe you're not here to hurt anyone, unless I get any reason to doubt that."

"I'm not, definitely not."

Ariana believed him. After all, if he had wished to bite anyone, or worse, wouldn't he of done so by now? But she would remain vigilant, just in case, for it would be idiotic to dismiss it completely.

"Well, then I need not bring it up," said Ariana coyly, smirking, taking another swig of tea.

For what seemed like the sixteenth time in the past ten minutes, the Professor's eyes studied Ariana's. She felt rather uncomfortable, since she liked to keep her secrets to herself. Having someone try to unravel the mystery that is Ariana O'Connor made the witch try even harder to keep her private life concealed.

Ariana quickly finished her tea, then cleaned the mug with her wand. "Thank you, Professor, but I should probably go to the library while I have the chance."

"Oh, alright," said Lupin standing up at the same time as Ariana, being polite. "Ariana."

Upon hearing her name, Ariana paused in the doorway and turned around to look into the room. "Yes?"

"Thank you," Lupin breathed, a smile turning the corners of his lips.

Ariana feigned ignorance. "Sorry, Professor, but I haven't a clue what you're talking about," she said, raising her eyebrows. With a smile, she swept out of the room, her robes billowing behind her as she walked down the stairs and across the classroom.

A large smile overtook her face once she left the room. For a moment, she forgot about her sleep deprivation and absurd amount of homework. For a moment, she was just at peace.


While living in poverty, in order to keep others safe from his bloodthirsty werewolf form, where did Remus Lupin live before Dumbledore gave him a job?

A: A derelict warehouse

B: An abandoned cottage

C: An empty farm house

Congratulations to Adler021 for answering the previous question correctly.

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