Phase one: Part 1

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This story doesn't really follow the canon/anime/manga, so I'll be coming up with a fair bit of new stuff.

Midoriya's notebook for future references:
#1 : Sakuya Kushiro
Quirk: Emotion
Her ability lets her sense the opposite party's emotions, which she usually uses to crack the truth out of others.
It's not a mind reading quirk, thus she is unable to interpret the party's current thoughts.
However, if overused too frequently, she would become irrational and delusional.


The newsflash was over in an instant. Midoriya didn't even notice it was over, he was too busy watching the Father-son duo work.

He had to admit Todoroki was a professional hero, no doubt one of the elites despite just having graduated from Yuuei Academy.

Yuuei Academy. Just the thought of that school sent pure anger pulsating in Midoriya's veins.

He didn't appreciate Endeavor either, despite him being the #2 Hero. Midoriya only saw him as someone showing off his power, using it to his advantage. It was simply annoying.

I'll have to cut him down sooner or later.

"Midoriya-kun!!" That shrilly voice which he so despised resonated again.

"We are holding a press conference and an interview with the Endeavor Office regarding the incident today", Sakuya squeals in sheer delight, much to Midoriya's annoyance.

"Sakuya-san, we are a news agency, why would they hold a press conference with us, it's not like we are licensed heroes."

Licensed heroes. Urgh.

"That, you are absolutely wrong, Midoriya-kun" Sakuya sneered.

"They are asking for the news agency's help for the mere reason that my quirk would be able to provide valuable information about the monsters that attacked today."

More like my information would greatly boost the search of the current League of Villains.

Sniffing, she said, "Well, not like you would see the pros and cons of this alliance, seeing that you're angry now"

Midoriya smiled, "Sakuya-san, it isn't fair to constantly use your quirk on me. Perhaps you don't trust me enough?"

Sakuya froze, giving Midoriya a few seconds of satisfaction, her face shone with something like... apprehension? Shock?

" Tomorrow 11am, please be at Endeavor's office, I'll need my personal assistant to help me take down notes" She said briskly, her tone was somewhat bitter, what could she be thinking of, Midoriya wonders.

Sitting on the exact same bar stool, Midoriya turned towards Tomura.

"Tomura, it isn't like you to just launch an attack on Hosu City itself, what were you trying to accomplish?"

Tomura smiled. He was slowly getting fond of Midoriya's company, he wasn't pushy, and was always logical. That down to earth personality was what he liked.

"Why, it was to gather intelligence, didn't you mention you wanted to eliminate Endeavor?"

"As expected, the news conference would be held tomorrow, please use this opportunity to relay any useful information to us. We would like to secure our chances of eliminating Endeavor once and for all." Tomura smiles, one of pure glee.

Midoriya scratched his head.


Standing in front of the entrance of Endeavor's office, Midoriya felt a rush of adrenaline, this was it.

Phase one of elimination
Target: Endeavor

Stepping into the office, he was met with the half red, half white haired boy.

Todoroki Shoto

Midoriya did not want to admit it, but Todoroki looked even better close up than from afar.

"Midoriya-san," Todoroki droned. "Sakuya is already in the conference room, please enter when you're ready."

So much for a good looking guy with a not so good attitude.

Midoriya forced a smile.

"Thank you, Todoroki-san"

Something flashed in Todoroki's eyes, Midoriya didn't have enough time to interpret it before he turned away.

Suit yourself, son of Endeavor.

Walking into the press conference, he saw Sakuya on a office chair, all ready to go. Despite the fact... Endeavor isn't here yet.

Midoriya fought the urge to roll his eyes.

Oh god.

Taking a seat next to Sakuya, Midoriya quietly waited.

The door shook open with an unruly 'bang' as a man in flames approached, flanked by a not so happy Todoroki.


I've been waiting.

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