Breaking Through Thick Skin

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The sun was beginning to set in the Pride Lands and all the animals began to return to their homes and herds in order to prepare for the night. At a distant waterhole near the Big Springs pond, the leader of the crocodiles, a young light green croc named Makuu, was just returning from a failed attempt to take control over the savannah's flood plains. All the animals whom they passed by gasped and kept from them. Sure, crocs were not a species others would not want to trifle with, but the animals who saw them were more surprised by their beaten up bodies as they slowly walked by them and made their way back home.

Some of the crocs had large bruises on their heads and backs and one of the crocs was even limping and struggling to keep up with Makuu. Looking back at the members of his float, Makuu just growled in annoyance and embarrassment as he took in their current state. I was a good thing they were all arriving back at their home. Makuu could no longer bare to look at his hurt and humiliated men.

"Curse that cub." Makuu grumbled to himself as he slowly slid back into the water, "I'd like to see him take me on without that roar of his. Then we'll see who wins in a fight."

Earlier that day, Makuu had learned that the Lion Guard's Fiercest, a lion cub named Kion, was considering never using the Roar of the Elders again. It was a powerful weapon gifted by Great Kings of the Past to only those they deem worth to be the fiercest in all the land. With a singular roar, one could destroy mountains, cause earthquakes, and even leave flourishing forests barren of any life. To hear that the wielder of such a devastating power was considering no longer using it gave Makuu an interesting idea. For many generations the Flood Plains of the Pride Lands served as a neutral traveling grounds for animals during the wet season. With Kion putting restrictions on his power, Makuu and his float of crocs could come in and take the entire flood plains as their new home. Of course there was the other members of the Lion Guard to worry about, but Makuu paid no heed to them. A cheetah, an egret, a hippo, and a honey badger were no match for a full armada of crocs in the water.

Everything was going well at first. The crocs captured most of the members of the Lion Guard and even the queen, Nala herself; yet there was one thing Makuu was not counting on. Kion came, and against Makuu's predictions, unleased the Roar of the Elders upon all of his crocodiles. After that, everything fell apart. They were all launched several feet into the air and flown a long ways away from their original home. For a crocodile, a thirty foot fall from the sky was painful enough, but having to walk all the way back home with such severe injuries in the blazing heat was a nightmare in itself. All day Makuu and his followers walked and as evening approached, they had arrived back home in crocodile territory.

Now, beaten, hurt, and exhausted; all Makuu wanted to do was rest in the cool calm water and forget about everything that had taken place today. Yet, like usual, the cruel hand of fate was not yet done with this croc.

"Makuu. Makuu!" The croc leader let out a low grumble in the water as he heard his name being called. Lazily opening his eyes, he saw a croc with a long slender beak like snout swimming towards him. Though he was a bit disoriented from the exhaustion he felt, Makuu recognized the crocodile instantly.

"Kiburi..." Makuu groaned as he lifted his head and addressed the dark green croc. "This had better be good."

"It's not good, boss." Kiburi stated with a bit of annoyance in his voice, "King Simba is here."

"Simba?" Makuu's eyes shot open when he heard the Lion King's name.

"Yeah, he's here." Kiburi affirmed, "He's asking for you, and he doesn't look happy." Makuu let out a long aggravated sigh when he was told this. He may be leader of the crocodiles, but Simba was king of all the animals in the Pride Lands. One word from him and you could easily be exiled... or worse. Knowing that this was now a serious matter, Makuu followed Kiburi as he led Makuu to the other end of the pond. Honestly, nothing would give Makuu more pleasure at this point then to tell Simba to buzz off so that he could go back to sleep, yet in doing so he would probably make things a lot worse for him and his float of crocs. Patients wasn't a strong trait in most crocs, not even Makuu, but right now he had to muster up as much of it as possible for his conversation with the king.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2017 ⏰

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