Be still

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This is a song fic based on the song 'Be Still' by the Fray. The fic is sad, and I'll admit I cried when writing it. But it's so amazing, if it can make me cry it's got to be. I mean, who cries when writing their own stories 😂🙋🏼 enjoy song fic Saturday, I'll post more chapters next week ❤️ ~Daisy

Be still and know that I'm with you
Be still and know that I am here
Be still and know that I'm with you
Be still, be still, and know

Addison and I were married on December 1st of 2009. We ditched the rain and snow of Seattle, opting for the serene warmth of Hawaii. Just the two of us, against the world. There was nobody else, in that moment or any other, that I loved more.

"Meredith" she'd smiled, her white sundress blowing in the wind and her red curls flying gently around her face "I do, I always will. For now, and forever. I do"

I'll always remember that exact second, that very moment my life changed for the better. The moment she looked at me, the blue eyes I loved so much shining with unshed tears of happiness. She bound her life to mine, her soul to my soul, her eternal love to my eternal love.

That night, we'd made love in the plush white bed of our hotel room, surrounded by pillows, yellow Hawaiian sunlight, and more love than we could've imagined. Slowly, gently, my body moulded to hers, fitting soundly the way two puzzle pieces would.

She shook after, the intensity of it hitting her like a train. I just held her in my arms, kissing her forehead over and over with pale lips and murmured sweet nothings.

"It's okay" I'd whispered into her coconut scented hair "I'm here. I'm here"

On November 18th of 2011, we had our first baby. Addison carried her for exactly thirty eight weeks and four days, gratefully and lovingly. Her eyes lit up at every little kick, roll and punch, no matter how painful.

"Fuck" she'd sworn while in labor. It was a long labor, nearly 24 hours, and the baby was just now crowning. There, sweaty and tired, she'd never looked more beautiful to me.

"You're almost there" I'd said encouragingly, holding her hand and letting her squeeze as hard as her heart desired "you're doing a good job; our little girl is almost here" I kissed her sweaty forehead and watched in awe and admiration as she brought our baby into the world.

"Meredith, she's beautiful" Addison was sobbing, and I found that I was too. The pink and slimy little baby was placed onto Addie's chest, and I'd never been happier. Sweaty Addie and slimy baby was the most amazing moment of my entire life.

"It's okay" I whispered into Addie's ear, as we admired the baby. I ran my hand down her little arm, and watched in amazement as her little tiny fingers wrapped around my pointer finger. "I'm here, it's okay. I'm here"

We'd named her Lila Grace, and I'd never been happier to see another human being in my life.

On July 30th of 2013, the third love of my life was born. Addison had carried again, though the child was biologically mine he was just as much hers. Again, I got to watch her eyes light up and her lips curve into a smile, right before taking my hands gently into her own and saying 'Here, feel. He's kicking'.

All nine pounds, two ounces of Noah James came fast and furious, unlike his sister who took her dear sweet time. Looking at his chubby face, I didn't know until that moment that my heart had enough room for so much love. I didn't know it was possible to love any human as much as I loved my kids and my wife.

They were my world, my everything. They were perfect in every way I could ever imagine.

"You know" Addison had said one morning, a couple of months after Noah was born "I'm in love with you" it was a fact; she said it like it would never change, science may be evolving and changing but Addison knew this fact would never go anywhere. She loved me.

"I'm in love with you" I said back, leaning in to kiss her softly "and I'll always be in love with you"

And I meant it. Like the sand touches the water, like the stars touch the sky and like the wind touches the grass, we were inseparable.

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