Renting a boat is harder than you'd think

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Where is this vessel heading?
The destination is unknown,
we're on our way but can't remember
what was said and done before.

Looking deep within myself,
trying to grasp the light,
not knowing where to look.
Why is there only darkness?

Where is that spark of light?
Where are those vibrant colors?
Where is that shred of hope?
Where is my destination?

What is my fucking purpose?
What does that even mean?
Do you feel what's happening
while you're in a dream?

The fucking poles are shaking,
the energy unknown.
Do you think this is normal?
You can't deny the facts.

We're all doomed, at the mercy
of the unknown.
I wish I knew what was coming,
all I get are warning signs...

Get me out of here!
You fucking cowards
no, you don't even blink
while you destroy this world,
fueled by your fucking greed.

You can't deny this feeling,
it's deep within us all.
Just a constant reminder
that we are all the same.

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