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The drive was slow as the excitement grew the closer you got

Jj had always told you about his house and how 'great' it was, every photo he showed you had a glimpse of the house In the back. so you were eager to see it in person.

You trailed the cars as they came to a slow turn, it lead to a street with all these amazing houses, most of them made of stone and large decorative bushes in the front, all the leaves still lush green.

You could tell you were close as their cars moved so slowly they almost came to a complete stop until they did.

Jj hopped from his car-still on- and ran over to yours.

You rolled down your window and looked at him.

"We're going to park in the garage you can park in the driveway"

You nodded your head and gripped your steering wheel in excitement.
You parked your car in the driveway and fumbled with the keys when a shadow blocked the moonlight.

Simon opened your door with a smile
"Thanks Simon" you said trying to find his eyes they were covered by the shadows all you could see was a smile on his face.

He walked alongside you, you stoped and stared at the moon making him turn as well.

"Isn't it beautiful?" You kept your eyes to the full moon
"Yeah it is" he said looking at you then looking back up

Jj clapped next your ears making you jump
"You prick" you said panting making Simon laugh

You walked into the house, the first thing you saw was these great steps that seemed to spiral forever. You stood in the middle of the house and looked to the white ceiling between the spiral.

Jj called your name and you made your way too the kitchen setting your things on the bench.

"So where am I going to sleep?" You said fumbling with the handle of your sports bag
"I can sleep on the couch if you want" you offered but Jj shook his head

"Sleep in my bed it's big enough for the both of us" Vikk said leaning on the bench
You smiled and nodded your head

"Shit" you paused looking through your bag
"I don't have pyjamas" you looked up to the now confused boys

"You can wear my spares?" Simon said looking you up and down "you look about my size"

"Sure, show me the way" you said holding out your hand

He giggled and walked with you up the stairs, they seemed to go on for miles if you lived here no work out would be needed.

You reached the second floor were a majority of the rooms were held, Simon walked into his room and you stood out the door.

"You can come in" a mumbled voice came from behind the doors.

You walked in and looked at the yellow toned room, the light bulb giving that effect.
He was digging through his closet, you couldn't help but take in the smell of his cologne.

You stood in the closet touching the sleeves of his clothes feeling the fabric slide between your fingers. A solid object hit your head you giggled lightly and stumbled back.

Spar Me?  (Miniminter x reader)Where stories live. Discover now