Another OC!

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Name: Lane Head

Nickname: LH

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: can be kind of jerky if you are rude to him, is usually kind and generous to others, he is very dirty minded and will take everything the wrong way

Face Claim: Shawn Mendes

Face Claim: Shawn Mendes

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Likes: Going to countries with TFIL, pranking people inside the house, sleeping late, taking naps, editing his videos to make dramatic effect

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Likes: Going to countries with TFIL, pranking people inside the house, sleeping late, taking naps, editing his videos to make dramatic effect

Dislikes: not brushing his teeth for a couple of days, people poke him continuously, waking up in water

Birthday: January 1, 1996

Type of YouTube Videos: Vlogs, Pranks, Paranormal

Subscriber count: 967,943

Fears: Getting caught in the overnight places they go to

YouTube name: Lane Head

Relationship Status: Single

Crush: none yet

Other: Usually wears his bracelet (not girly), he is 'apart' of TFIL and lives in the house.

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