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Earlier that day


Reese's POV

"Hi, babe," I greet my fiance as I take a sip of my coffee and review my lines.

"Hello, love, did you sleep well last night?" Joseph asks curiously, being the caring fiancé he is.

God, I love it when he calls me love.

"I did, how are the babies? Are they up yet?" I ask as I look at the clock to see it's six am here, so it's nine am there.

"Yes they are, Candice and the girls have them for the day, she picked them up about thirty minutes ago.

"Oh, when they get beck, give them a big kiss for me. I can't call tonight, late night shoot," I explain, hoping he won't be too upset.

"But...you had a late shoot last night...and the night before," Joseph states, sounding slightly frustrated. "Can't you just give us a quick call to say goodnight to the twins?"

I sigh, knowing my time schedule probably won't allow it, "I'll try, but I can't promise anything."

"That's what you said last night," Joseph says, clearly gritting his teeth, "and the night before that. Can you try a little harder for your kids?"

"Babe, I know this is hard and you've been watching the kids, but this is the last two weeks of filming. And just think, I'll be home soon to be with the kids as much as humanly possible," I try compromising, but hear Joseph sharply inhale.

"I have work too, you know," Joseph snaps. "I bring the twins to work, I even get the cast and crew to babysit. And I know we just started cold reads and work two weeks ago, but it's still quite a lot. You can't blame me for being frustrated that you can't just call me to say good night to Oliver and Bailey."

Knowing that Jo's right, I take a deep breath and say, "Okay, I'll call you. I'm sorry I can't be there to help."

"Me too," Joseph states in a bitter tone. "But hey, when choosing between your kids and a movie deal, who cares about your kids?"

I scoff, getting more and more angry, "Excuse me? I wasn't even going to audition for this movie, but you convinced me too. I was choosing our kids, but the second I agree with you, I'm the bad guy?"

"I told you to go because I thought you could handle both work and family, guess I was wrong," Joseph growls.

I stand up from my seat in my hotel room and snap, "I'm trying here. In case you forgot, the crew, cast and I are working so hard to get this movie filmed so Michiel and I can go home and see our significant others and children. We're all taking almost twenty-four hour work days, and you know what they say when I ask why they're willing to cram work so much? They say that they what nothing more than to see a parent with their kids. I want nothing more than to get work done and see my two babies, but with that, comes long work days."

"Maybe this just isn't working," Jo snarls, making my heart feel like it's getting ripped out of my chest.

"Maybe it's not," I say back, standing my ground before I hear a thud on the other line.

Did jo just punch the wall?

Before Jo says anything else, I hang up on him, slam my hands on the wall as a tear rolls down my right cheek.

I'm trying. I'm really trying.


Jomo's POV

I punch the wall once more after Reese hangs up on me, overwhelmed at being the only parent right now.

It's not much to ask to give me a call tonight so she can say a simple goodnight.

"You okay?" Ian asks, walking into my house. "I heard yelling when I went to open the door."

"Yeah, I'm alright. It was nothing," I lie, actually feeling like shit.

"Didn't sound like nothing," Ian says honestly, putting his hand on my shoulder. "You and Reese alright?"

I let out a deep sigh and rub my face, "I don't know, man. Her being in Canada is really hard, she can barely call to say goodnight, she's always filming, I just feel so distanced from her and I bloody hate it."

Ian nods understandingly, "I see where you're coming from, it's similar with Olivia and I when she travels for dance. But I'm gonna be honest, your kids are too young to be upset that Reese can't call every night, I think it's just you missing her a lot. And you're using the kids as an excuse to talk to her as much as possible."

Realization hits me like a punch in the face, Ian's right.

I rub my face and sigh, "Fuck, you're right. And I just screamed at her even though she's trying her bloody best to get home to us. How's she gonna forgive me?"

"Maybe a phone call might help," Ian suggests before I rip my phone out of my pocket and dial my fiance's number.

"Hey, this is Reese Taylor, soon to be Reese Morgan. Sorry I missed your call, I will try to reach you shortly," Reese's voice says in the voicemail and disappointment rushes to me, but utter happiness at the words Reese Morgan.

"Hey, darling, I'm sorry for our head butting earlier. Please call me back, I love you," I say to her voicemail before hanging up and get a pat in the back from my friend.

"You did good, all you have to do is wait. But while we wait, let's meet up with the guys and get something to eat."


Hey, guys!!! Sorry it took so long for me to update, school and writing can be hard to juggle. The part 2 of this chapter will be out soon and I hope you enjoyed this one!!!

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