Only Exception

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 "You are, the only exception..."

The Only Exception - Paramore 

Written by: BlueLovesSilver


He wakes up feeling .. nothing.

How did I end up here? Where is here? Where am I? Who am I?

He looked around and saw white. Everything and everywhere is white. A grand piano stood at the center of the room, and suddenly he remembers a melody. Hoping that it could jumpstart his memories, he started playing.

Answers, I need answers.

Two doors opened. One was completely dark, while the other, well-lighted. The sound of chatter and the aroma of food drew him into entering the second door.

"Ah, there he is!" A long-haired man, probably in his thirties, clapped him on the shoulder. He took in the man's appearance, a suit sans the coat, his long hair in a ponytail and a fatherly aura around him.

He was expecting to feel a bit of familiarity with the way this guy acted with him, but still .. nothing.

"Something's wrong with him." Someone else spoke, making him look at his surroundings.

This is definitely a family dinner. And he's not a part of this family.

"Of course you are!" Can this old man read minds or something?

Seeing the look on his face, he asked.

"You know me, remember?"

I should remember. Who is he? Who am I?

As he racked his brain for answers, someone spoke. Him, but not really.

His dark side.
His Noah persona.

"Where is he? Where is Mana?"
"Sorry. The Earl is not here. Would you prefer to kill me instead?"

Huh what?

He blinked a couple of times, making sure that he was imagining that dark skin and dangerous aura from this man.

"Is there something wrong my boy?"
"Yes. Who am I?"

"He forgot?"
"Who he is?"

"Ah don't mind them. They're Jasper and Devin. Fraternal twins. As for your memory, nothing at all?"
"Just the music. I remember how to play but I don't know how I did."

Gears in Sheril's head began spinning, just as a hand fisted the collar of his suit.

"You don't know how long I've waited to kill you. All of you."
"But you will wait longer since the Earl is not here. And you will first have to completely take over this body. First, you have to destroy Al-"

Al- who?

"Who? Al- who? You know who I am right?"
"Of course, we're your family. I am Cyril, son of your brother .. Adam. But you call him Mana. And he calls you, Alden."
"Alden. Al-den. Alden." He let it play around his tongue a while longer.

"This is our family Alden. The Noah family. You already know the twins, that's your aunt Lulubell over there. And this is Mik, my brother."

"Still good at poker, Cheater Boy A?"
"Um, I don't know .. remember. Sorry."

Alden heard him mutter a 'so weird' under his breath.

"Dig in my boy. You need to eat so you might regain your memory."


It has been a few weeks and the voices had been getting louder. Even during meals, which Alden considers an escape, he hears them.

Demon .. Save us ... Akuma

"Well, well, what do we owe the pleasure of having an - the pianist in our midst?"
"I'm sorry. I forgot who I am. What is your name?"
"You guys! This is, wait till the Earl hears this. Call me Wisely. You are?"

Wisely laughed even harder when Alden introduced himself.

"Wisely. Where is Road?"
"Has she not come for dinner? She's just in her room, you know. Why didn't you call Lero?"

Alden watched the exchange and wondered if this is really a family. They act quite cold around each other, and what he knew about families is

A feast eaten by one person .. Bean sprout... Eyepatch and an old man ... A faulty robot .. Pigtails...

"AH!" Everyone turned their attention to Alden as he clutched his left eye, just as Road arrived with Lero.

"Allen-kun? What's wrong?"

The dining table stood still in a moment. Wordlessly, Wisely explained to Road their situation.

"AGH!" Alden's left eye is bleeding, just as Road took his arm and Lero whisked them back to Road's room .. dimension.

"Are you ok now, AL-DEN-KUN?" She singsonged. Alden took calming breaths and looked at his palm, the blood is gone. Both of his eyes are working perfectly.

"I think. Yeah. Thanks."

Alden took in his current situation. He's with a teenage girl in lolita goth fashion in who-knows-where. It was like a dark blank room that seemed to have no walls nor corners. Lastly, he was sure that his eye was bleeding a while ago when he remembered something.

What was it again?

"Ne, Alden-kun, do you know who I am?"
"Um, they call you Road, right?"
"Awww. You don't really remember." Road pouted.

"But that's ok! I'll just introduce myself. My name is Road Camelot. And I like dolls. Do you wanna see my collection?"

Before Alden could respond, she was already pulling him. He doesn't know where or how, but he ended up in front of a .. glass case?

"This is my newest doll. My main girl. Hmm. Maybe I'll call her that. Maine."

Road's fascination with dolls was that of life-size ones, Alden concluded. But when he looked at this Maine doll, he felt something.

Like her name's not really Maine.
Like her hair was supposed to be short.
Like he's supposed to know her.

If I do know her, then she shouldn't be a doll. She must be human. A .. a .. an UGH!

"Something wrong?"
"No, um, where do you get them? Are they dressed like this already?"
"No. Silly Alden-kun. I dress them up. They're dolls, remember."

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