A New Threat

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And it is. I go to work and I come home. That's my life. I've asked to be able to see Deckard, but I get shut down before I even get the question out. I don't go out except for necessary outings. It doesn't take long before I fall into a deep depression. I function just enough to be able to work. When work is done, I call my handler, and then go curl up in bed and pass out for the night. I don't eat much, which means I've lost some weight.

One morning, months later, there's a loud banging on my door. I ignore it and cover my head with my blankets. I hear the door open, but I make no move to get up. I look over when someone appears in the door. I've never seen him, but his appearance screams g-man. "Get up, Mrs. Shaw." The young man at the door says.

"What do you want? I haven't broken the terms of my release," I reply, sitting up.

"Put yourself together. We're going for a ride," he tells me.

"Then get out so I can change," I snap. I get up and close the door in his face. I go into the bathroom and run a washcloth under cold water. I wring it out and run it over my neck and face. I take my hair out of the ponytail, and brush it before putting it up in a bun.

I go back into my bedroom and put on a pair of jeans, a black t-shirt, and an olive green zip-up hoodie.

I go back to the door and open it. "I'm ready," I tell him.

"Good." He follows me out of my flat and there is a caravan waiting downstairs, soldiers and all. " I'm told you remember how this goes."

"Not again," I gripe. "Is there a more comfortable way to shackle me?"


I get to sit through another long car ride shackled to the floor. My back is killing me by the time we get to where we're going. I'm not unblindfolded until we're inside. It's a hotel. "Clean yourself up. There are fresh clothes in the closet," the young man tells me. "Don't try anything stupid."

"Got it." I roll my eyes once the door is closed. I go get in the shower and let the hot water loosen up the muscles in my shoulders.

I hear the door open, "Do you really not trust me to shower in peace?" I asked, annoyed.

"I thought you wouldn't mind sharing," the intruder says.

I pull the shower curtain back to find Deckard already shedding his clothes. "Hurry up and get in here!" I laugh. I can't believe he's actually standing in front of me. I didn't think I'd ever actually get to see him again.

He gets into the shower and pulls me into a searing kiss.

"How are you here right now?" I ask. "Not that I'm complaining in the slightest!"

He pushes wet hair out of my face and kisses along my cheek, "I don't know, but it must be good. Nobody broke me out along with Hobbs. They didn't tell me what was going on. They just said go get cleaned up and be ready to go in an hour."

"So we have an hour?" I ask.

"More or less," he smirked.

An hour later we're finishing pulling our clothes on when the harsh knock sounds on the door. "Let's go!" The door opens just as Deckard finishes zipping up the dress they'd provided in the closet. We're taken to an undisclosed location and told to wait until we were let into the room we were going to be going into. The door is fogged enough that we can't be seen, but we can see into the room. My so-called "family" is in there. Well, Letty is in there with the rest of her team. "We're never going to get away from them are we?" I comment.

He ignores my comment. Deckard has been looking at me, trying to figure out what's different about me. "You look thinner than I remember," Deck says finally, while we're waiting to be let in. "You haven't been taking care of yourself," he observes.

"I know," I conceed quietly. "It's been a rough few months," I mumble.

"We'll talk about this later," he says just before the buzzer sounds, signaling that the door is unlocked for us.

"Oh, my day just got a lot better," a large man (who I assume is Hobbs) says. "Mr. Nobody, do you want to tell me why you just put me in a room with this tea-and-crumpets-eating-criminal-some-bitch?" I roll my eyes, falling a step behind Deck.

"You got a big mouth on a small head," Deckard replies.

"Don't think we've forgotten what you've done," Letty says.

"We are not working with these two!" Tej pipes up.

"Let's get one thing straight, we aren't part of team, your crew, or your little family! I'm here for Cypher, and then Sophia and I are gone," Deckard snaps.

"What, are you going to apply for a job as head asshole?" Hobbs asks.

"She came to me first! Wanted me to steal Nightshade, and when I turned her down, she went to my brother!" I rest my hand on the inside of his arm, and he stops long enough to calm down a minute, but it doesn't last long. "She used him, and left him for dead. So, if I get a shot to take, believe me, I will."

Deckard and Hobbs advance toward each other, and I step back. He's going to do what he thinks he needs to do. Nobody steps up, "The key to getting Cypher, is finding Dom. The only two men who have ever tracked him down with any success are standing in front of me, so like it or not, you're going to be working together!"

After they calm down and retreat to separate corners, Roman pipes up, "I got it!"

The young man who collected me from the garage scoffs, "This should be good."

"Use God's Eye!" Roman says.

"Is that really all you have? They wouldn't need us if that worked," I reply.

"It's a great idea, let's try it!" Nobody says.

Tej and Ramsey fire it up, and at first it appears to be working. Soon it starts pinging random locations all over the world. "You are correct Mrs. Shaw. We started there, but as you can see, it's pointless. She's made the program obsolete."

Soon Tej and Ramsey are working on a way to get Dom's real location. I'm about to go join Deckard back in the conference room, when I hear Nobody say that the one ping that wasn't going away is where we are. Before anything can be done, the wall to right blows up and I'm thrown to the ground and knocked unconscious instantaneously.... 

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