Reunited At Last

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Have I ever mentioned how much I hate dress shopping? I would rather drop an engine on my foot than go dress shopping. And yet, I find myself in a dress shop, looking for a dress to get into this fancy party.

I didn't even wear a dress this nice when I got married. I wore a black sun dress that I found in the back of my closet. I'm 90% sure I didn't buy it for myself. My best theory is that Deckard bought it and snuck it in.

The dress I end up in makes me uncomfortable. Everything I tried on made me uncomfortable, but this one made me feel the least uncomfortable. It's a floor length, dark green gown. It's neckline isn't too low, but the slit goes up to my thigh. I miss my grease-covered shorts and tank tops. At the very least I'm wearing a pair of flats. I refused the heels that the sales lady tried to push on me.

I straighten my hair and put makeup on in my hotel room. It would be so easy to just disappear. Everyone else is still getting ready. I grab my clutch and open my door, only to find Brian standing on the other side of the door. "You ready?" he asks.

"Yeah, why else am I walking into the hall?" I reply.

He offers his arm and I take it. "You look nice."

"So do you."

We get in the elevator and meet everyone down in the lobby. Roman is practically drooling. "Close your mouth before I have to do it for you," I mumble. It's time to leave when Letty and Dom join us. We go down the stairs of the hotel to our cars. They still won't let me drive myself.

This time, I'm stuck with Roman. I can feel his eyes on me as we drive over. My only part in this plot is to help with his distraction. I hope it doesn't take too long. I don't like this whole plan in general. It's too risky. I'm not a secret agent. I'm a mechanic.

Roman talks incessantly on the drive over. I don't say much. He must think I'm nervous. I put my ear piece in before I get out of the car. I force myself to look like I'm enjoying this. I hang onto Roman's arm as we walk into the building. When we get into the elevator, I stand on the opposite wall, watching him. "So what's your play?" I ask.

He grins, "You don't need to know." He's cocky. I'm interested to see how this goes.

"Oh yeah? How am I supposed to help you then?" I ask innocently.

"Just stay out of my way, and follow my lead if I give you a signal, baby," he replies.

I just smile, "You got it. Babe."

Before the doors open, I drape myself over his arm and bat my eyes at him. We walk out onto a balcony, and into a raging party. I don't think I've ever seen anything like this. "Oh my god," I mumble. "This is incredible."

Roman is grinning like an idiot as we walk down the stairs to join the throngs of people below. I take my arm out of his and grab a glass of champagne as we walk by someone carrying a tray. Roman gets one too. There are women that are practically naked, but covered completely from head to toe in gold paint. "That's hot," I mumble, and Roman nearly falls over. "What? I'm not blind."

I turn and disappear into the crowd. I put my glass down and blend in with the dancers. I don't see Roman until he puts his own plan into motion. The music cuts out and he's grabbed a mic from the DJ. He's attempting to wish some random girl happy birthday. He even goes so far as to sing to her all by himself. Everyone is just standing there staring at him.

"Are you gonna get in there and help him?" Tej asks in my ear.

"Oh, I was told to wait for a signal, which I have not received," I reply quietly. I watch as the Prince's security starts to move in on him. They jerk him away, as I stand and watch. Before I can intercept him, all hell breaks lose. 

First, Brian and Dom, bust through a wall in the car they were supposed to be getting the chip out of. Then, Letty gets thrown from over the balcony. She and the head of the Prince's security crash land on their backs on top of a table. The cherry on top of all of the chaos is Deckard coming up through the elevator, firing his gun in the air.

The crowds part, giving me a clear path to Deckard. Everyone is running away from him. "Catch," he says when I get close enough. He tosses me a hand gun, "Shoot out the tires if you can."

He's shooting at the car. I drop down on one knee and attempt to shoot out the tires, but the way Dom is driving makes it impossible. My handgun doesn't do shit when Dom jumps it from the building we're in, over to the next one. "Holy crap..." I groan, watching as Deck shoots a grenade at the car, propelling it forward even further. I listen closely and hear glass shattering as the car jumps to the third day.

I stand up and hand the gun back to Deckard. When he takes it back, I grin, wrap my arms around his neck, and lean up to kiss him. "I missed you."

"Missed you too, Love." He presses a searing kiss to my lips.

When we pull back, he slings an arm around my waist and we walk toward the elevator. The party guests that were left, cowered in the corners. No one stops us.

His car is parked right in front of the building when we make it down stairs. I look over where we parked when we got here. Those cars are all gone. We're alone, at last. "So, where do we go from here?"

"We go back to where I'm staying, have dinner, and wait to see what happens from here. It depends on what they're going to do now." He warns me that he's made some new friends, and that I need to be careful. "We relax for a little bit, and you let me look at that arm," he says as he runs a finger up the scar on my arm.

"Let's go," I can't help but smile.

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