Day Of The Dead

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The lights all slowly dimmed down and the townsfolk retreated to their homes while the darkness took ahold of the world; transforming it into night. All became quiet and with the squeak of mice every now and then. All children were tucked into bed with a candle lit to protect themselves from the darkness. The parents were up still and checked all about. Today was the night.

The day of the dead. They had left gifts at their altars with letters to their dead loved ones. They made sure to light a candle for each of their loved ones. Legend has made them believe that every night during Day of The Dead, their relatives came out and wandered until dawn. They wished to stay up and welcome them but sadly, it was part of the rules. No one should be up while the dead are up and about. Many children understood why but most were eager to welcome their family members who have passed.

The moon shone bright as the last door closed. A breeze soon picked up and spirits appeared in and out of houses. They walked by one another and visited their altars. "This is my favorite!" One dead grandma said and pointed to a sugar skull. "She's all grown up." A dead father had tears stream down his face. "Oh darling, how I've missed you." A dead husband said and entered his old home where his wife was fast asleep with his son tucked beside her.

Many skeletons began to dance and sing one of the many songs during the night. The sound of voices filled the air and woke one child. She looked out her window to see her dead mother whom had died last month. Her face lit up with a smile and she ran over to her bed stand; took a jar and opened her bedroom windows, unleashing the butterfly to the spirit world. All the spirits talked to one another with some of the children playing with one another. Many of the children collected their prizes from their family's altars while singing along with the skeletons. "What a lovely night it is." A woman said. "The stars are out and in the perfect patterns." A man said.

Throughout the night, many of the dead danced and sang along, collecting their gifts and visiting their relatives. The children played with one another and sang along. The skeletons provided the entertainment along with the songs. They celebrated during the night and told stories of their lives along with how it is now. "During those final days were pain. The torment was driving me to insanity but luckily, I made it through." A man said, retelling of how his death days went. "The child had been raised so well, it is hard to even remember what we did together." A mother said. "My mommy always sang a lullaby to me before bedtime." A small child said; recalling a sweet lullaby.

They all dreaded the time when the sun came upon the land so therefore, they cherished every moment they had during the night. It lasted for what felt like an eternity. With songs, dances, and parties around every corner. The town was now filled with the dead. No one would dare even step in; even if they did, they would run away in an instant upon seeing a spirit. Some of the spirits were there even before the others were. Some were old criminals, pirates, even explorers.

Once dawn broke through, some children had woken early and unleashed a butterfly for each of the spirits. The spirits all watched as the butterflies flew up to the sky and vanished as the sun introduced the light back to the land. Families ran into the street to watch the hoards of butterflies disappear into the distance while the spirits all disappeared in wait till night. All the skeletons sunk into the earth to soon rise again once darkness overtook the land. The townsfolk began to join together in a song while the children wandered over to the altars to see what had been left. Some gifts were given, some were taken, most of what remained was candy.

The children all ate and took the gifts to create another one. Everyone prayed by the altars in hopes that their loved ones were in a better place.

They've waited forever to bring us together, we finally wake them up tonight.

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