Hearing her say she liked someone else made me mad and it also tore me up inside.

"who? do I know the guy?" I asked trying not to sound angry, but I guess she new.

She closed her eyes then opened them and said," its not a guy its a girl, the new girl to be exact."

My expression went from angry to hurt. Not only does she like someone else, but a girl. Don't get me wrong I'm not against any of that it just.... I never thought this would happen to me.

"You didn't do anything wrong, it just happened that I found someone better." She said bluntly.

"Well I guess it happens." I said feeling more hurt. 

She then walked over to me and gave me a hug in which I hugged back," I just hope we can still be friends.?"

" yeah, sure, of course we still can." I smiled thinking, at least we can still hang out and talk to each other.

After our hug we stood there in silence just staring at each other. Man I'm gonna miss those eyes.

"Hey you don't want to be late for practice." She said breaking the silence and snapping me out of my thought.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot. I'll see you later.... Bye." I said then walked away.

Once I knew I was out of her sight I took off skipping practice, because I needed time to think and take everything in.

I had no clue where I was going, I just kept running and running, ignore the calls from my friends and coach, until I ended up in a clearing in the middle of the woods.

I laid down on the grass and just stared up at the sky and started crying.

Some people probably think it's unmanly of a guy to cry or whatever, but you do if your heart was crushed by the girl you loved deeply and said she was falling for somebody else.

I continued laying there, then sat up," someone take this pain away."

Then out of nowhere I felt something hit the back of my head.

"What the fuck! Who threw that!?" I yelled and turned around and saw a girl standing behind me smiling. She's pretty, I thought.

"Hey don't get mad at me you asked for it." She said smirking.

"Whatever just go away." I said angrily and turned back around.

"Why so you can keep crying like a baby."

"I wasn't crying I just had grass in my eyes." I said rubbing my eyes and pretending like there was something in it.

"Sure keep telling yourself that." She said while walking toward me then sitting down beside me.

I looked at her,"I thought I told you to go away?"

"Hey, this was my secret spot first so the person that should be leaving is you." She said getting a little mad.

"Whatever." I said then continued looking at the sky and noticed it was getting dark out and that the stars would be out soon.

I then looked back at her and asked," have I seen you before, maybe at school?"

She looked at me shocked and grabbed her chest," Ouchh.... I'm Stormy your classmate."


"I've only been in your class since kindergarten and in your science class and I'm also the student council president and the girls basketball captain." She said sounding irritated that I didn't know who she was.

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