The Fall of Lavellan

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     Ambassador Montilyet,

I regret that my help for your Dalish allies came too late to be of use. By the time my forces arrived in the area, the Dalish had been scattered or killed, and there seems little left of their clan.

I understand your Inquisitor must be feeling the loss of her clan. Please accept these gifts and my promise of future help whenever it is necessary.

Duke Antoine of Wycome

             Josephine chews on her bottom lip, scanning over Leliana and Cullen's face as they read the report. Leliana's face drops. "We... We need to tell her... She should know." Leliana says softly. Cullen runs his hand over her face, as if imagining their leader's reaction to this. It was devastating. "I- will tell her right away." He mumbles, taking the report from Leliana's hands. He begins to walk out of the war room.


               Cullen stops and looks at Josephine who's expression was full of melancholy. "Send Lady Lavellan our condolences " She tells him. He gives her a nod in response and headed out to the courtyard searching for the elf Inquisitor. It was a while until he found her helping some of the gardeners plant some seeds in the garden. She was laughing, her face full of the bright hope she always had. Cullen's eyebrows furrow together. He looks down. How could he take away her happiness... He shakes his head. 'She needs to know.' He told himself. Cullen pushed himself forward subconsciously gripping the parchment the report is written on tightly. He did not dare to look into her warm, comforting blue eyes. Inquisitor Mahalla's smile grows when she sees her Commander walking up to her. Instantly, she excused herself from the gardeners. "Cullen!" She exclaims, rushing up to him. She grabs his hands and gestures to the garden with her left hand. "Look how amazing the garden is coming. Isn't it beautiful?" Mahalla's smile is wide, bright.

           "Yes, it's coming along beautifully," Cullen smiles sadly but then he says in a serious tone. "My love, can we talk?" 

            Mahalla's face grows serious. "Cullen... Is everything okay?" She asks warmly, squeezing his hand slightly.

             "We... got a report back from the Duke of Wycome..." Cullen winces as the elf's face gradually drops. "Your clan is gone... the Duke arrived to late and they were... already..."

                 Mahalla's eyes widen, shaking her head in disbelief, "No... No... Cullen- this cannot be true." Tears began to form in her eyes, her body was shuddering in absolute despair. "I'm so sorry Mahalla." He says, putting the Duke's report into her hand. She scanned it over in complete horror. Halfway through the note, Mahalla burst out into a series of sobs. Cullen instantly pulls her into a hug, letting her sob into the fur on his armor. Cullen strokes her snowy white hair comfortingly. "I should've been there Cullen! I should've saved them!" She exclaims between the sobs.

               "We did everything we could. It is not your fault," Cullen reassures her.

               Mahalla looks up at him, her eyes with tears running down her face. "... Yes, you all did great..." She says, trying to smile. She then frowns looking to the ground. "But me? I should've been there to help defend my clan..."

                "Cullen.... I should've been there." She sniffles, letting go of Cullen. He stared at his leader, "Mahalla... If you would like to ta-"

                   The Inquisitor cuts him off with a wave of her hand. "I..." She clears her throat, regaining her posture and strong expression as if nothing had happened but her eyes... Those eyes were not as warm as they were a moment ago. Now her eyes held a certain sadness, something that will not just go away.
          "Commander, we have much to do."


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