Chapter Twelve: Lake Town

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After changing into our dresses, we met up with everyone in the dining room. I gasped as I entered and saw Thorin, who now was wearing fresh clothing. He now wore a red shirt, with a tan shirt underneath. He looked ridiculously handsome. I couldn't help but not stop staring at the dwarf. Now it was Thorin's turn to gaze at me. Thorin smiled, approaching me, kissing my hand. "You look beautiful, my love!" the dwarf whispered to me. "Thank you." I replied and I followed Thorin, as he pulled out a chair, and I sat next to him at the table. Bard took out a bunch of weapons to show the dwarves that they could use to face the dragon. None of the dwarves did not look to happy at this. Especially Thorin.  Thorin threw down the harpoon. "You expect us to use these worthless things?!" snapped Thorin.  After arguing back and forth about weapons, dinner was ready and everyone ate. Dwalin accidently called out Thorin's name, which caught Bard's attention. I gave Dwalin a glance, and Dwalin bowed his head and guilt. He knew he blew our cover, and Thorin glared at him.

After supper, Thorin and I retreated to our private room. Thorin sat down looking out the window, while Balin, Bilbo and I sat in the room with him. I noticed a sudden change in Thorin. It's almost like he turned into a completely different dwarf. "Are you okay? You look a if you seen a ghost!" asked Bilbo. "He has seen a ghost, Bilbo. He sees the weapons that Girion used when he attempted to destroy Smaug the first time,but failed!" Balin replied sadly. "Oh Thorin!" I said softly.  Finally, Balin and Bilbo made their leave, leaving only Thorin and myself in the room. "Are you sure you're okay, Thorin? I can go and get you some tea!" I offered Thorin."No thanks, Miss Buren. I'm fine." said Thorin icily. Wait a minute! He called me MissBuren instead of Olivia! I could really tell this is not the same Thorin I met at Bag End. The same dwarf, whom I spend countless romantic encounters with him in Rivendell, the sad and bitter dwarf whom appreciated my company and comfort.  

Now, he's like he didn't know me at all, and it saddened me. My heart felt this tug, and tears streamed down my face. I turned away, as the tears flowed. I didn't want Thorin to see me like this.  But then suddenly, Thorin turned and he saw me. He could hear my sniffling. "Olivia?" said Thorin softly. Now he called me by my first name. I looked up at him. "You've been crying. What is troubling you?" asked Thorin gently, as he sat down next to me. "I don't know--I'm just worried that's all." I replied. "Worried about?" asked Thorin. "You." I replied. "Olivia, I'll be fine. Trust me. Everything is going to be fine!" said Thorin gently, as he brushed his thumb on my cheek. "No, you don't understand! You won't be fine!" I shouted, standing up. "Olivia, calm down! Please!" said Thorin gently and firmly, as he sat me back down, taking me into his arms, as he allowed me to weep on him. "Olivia, I assure you. I'm going to be fine. Nothing is going to happen to me." whispered Thorin. How would he know? We haven't even gotten to the Mountain yet! 

I sighed, as I laid my head on Thorin's chest, feeling the soft fabric of his red tunic on my face. Thorin gently took his large hands, running them gently into my hair. Thorin began to hum softly.  And shortly, he started to sing. The tune sounded very familiar. It was Song of the Lonely Mountain. I closed my eyes as I listened to him sing.   When I opened my eyes, I looked into his blue eyes. I could see some saddness in them, but also hope and determination. The determination of reclaiming his kingdom.   His voice sounded more beautiful now than it ever sounded. And I could feel his heart beatng as my ear pressed on his chest.  When Thorin ended his song, he whispered in Khuzudul to me. Words of love and hope. "Someday, you'll be sitting beside me as Queen n the most beautiful dwarven kingdom of Middle Earth." whispered Thorin, as he pressed his lips gently onto mine, as we started to kiss.  

Suddenly, three men barged into our room grabbing us. "What is the meaning of this shit?!" I snapped at the men. "You are under arrest. By orders of the Master." said the guard. "This is an outrage! I wish to speak to your Master at once!" barked Thorin hotly.

No One's POV:

It didn't take long for the Master's guards to take the Company to the townsquare. Many of the townspeople already gathered to see everything transpire.  As the Company stood there, with the guards standing behind them, the Master, and his assistant, Alfrid, stepped out of the Master's home, demanding who the newcomers are, addressing them a thieves.  "Do you have any idea who you speaking to here? You are speaking to none other Thorin, son of Thrain, son of Thror King Under the Mountain!" shouted Dwalin, hotly. The Master's eyes lit up, as well a the townspeople, and everyone smiled.  "We are the dwarves of Erebor! We have come to reclaim our homeland!" announced Thorin, stepping foward.  Thorin began his speech, promising the townspeople and the Master, they would get their share of the treasure from the losses when Smaug attacked Lake Town the first time.  Then, Bard stepped foward, interrupting Thorin's speech. Olivia didn't like how Bard is accusing and blaming Thorin about Smaug.  It was something behond their control, and Thorin shouldn't be blamed for it. "Olivia, please don't make a scene!" advised Balin.

"I'm not going to make a scene,Balin." said Olivia. "You have no right to enter the Mountain!" said Bard. "I have every right." snarled Thorin. Suddenly, the Master spoke again, inviting Thorin and Company to a feast. "Good, as long as there is ale and beer,and food involved, I'm satisfied!" said Bofur, as they headed into the feasting hall.  As they sat at the long tables, Thorin and Olivia watched the others as the Company ate and laughed. After everyone ate, Bofur leads some of the dwarves in singing dwarvish drinking songs, catching the attention of the townspeople who attended the Feast and the Master. The Master laughed as he watched them. Even Thorin sang with them. Olivia smiled as she listened to them. Suddenly someone noticed Thorin singing, and the person handed over Thorin a lute. Thorin looked at the man with a puzzled look. 

"Does he want me to play?" asked Thorin. Olivia nodded. Thorin sighed, taking the lute and he began to play and he continued singing with the others.  Olivia smiled. She couldn't keep her eyes off of Thorin, and already Olivia was starting to feel aroused just to hear Thorin's deep voice singing with the lute music he is playing. Olivia took noticed that Kili quickly sat down, his face turning completely pale. Fili approached Olivia. "I need to take Kili to the guest house. He's not feeling well!" Fili whispered to Olivia. Olivia nodded, and she watched Fili and Kili leave the feasting hall. When the singing and music ended, Olivia felt ready to retire for the night, and Thorin agreed, and the Company left the hall and went to the guest home that the Master arranged for them. 

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