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There once was a girl, she wanted to help people and make them feel happy. This however often comes at the cost of her own happiness. When she meets a broken person, she'll try to make them whole again. This meant give a piece of her to someone else, this continues for a long time. People knew she would do this and they took advantage of her, she becomes broken. She has friends who are willing to give a piece if them to her to make a be less broken, happier. She didnt want that, because that would mean that her friends would become more broken, or start to break. She would still continue to give peices of herself to others and eventually she didnt have anything left, but her soul and heart. She stops giving and starts living, though not really living anymore but nore being there in the world. She fell for a person around a year later, and they get together. The person however, broke ger heart. She had only her soul left. After she noticed people would only try to use her and others like her she decides to officially end it. She kills her soul and spread a message with it. The message was her story. Everyone who heard it, including the people who used her, said and promised and so on that they would never do that or wont do that anymore. They keep it alive for about 2 weeks to a month. Then the cycle starts again. The only people who still tear about her are her family and friends, the friends who wanted to share a piece of them with the girl, even if that meant becoming like her: broken.

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