Jerza: Cut the Cake

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Erza tilted her head slightly, and turned around keeping her determined eyes on the mirror in front of her. She sighed. "No, this wont do.'' The red haired mage tutted, as she walked back to the dressing room, leaving the other two female wizards sitting sluggishly  on a couch facing the opposite direction.

"I already told you Juvia,'' The blonde sighed. "I'm not thinking about marrying Gray, why would you even think that?!'' Lucy inquired with a huff, however quivered slightly as the water mage leaned over to her with daggers piercing through her stone cold, blue eyes.

"Juvia is just wondering why you agreed to help Erza look at wedding dresses... so I came along to make sure you don't get any ideas.'' The celestial mage face palmed as the other woman pointed an accusing finger towards her. 

"THIS ONE IS PERFECT!'' Both mages suddenly shot up from the couch, as Erza swayed the curtain back to reveal herself in... yet another wedding dress.  

"That's what she says about every dress'' Lucy murmured, as Juvia hummed in agreement.

"Erza, sorry for interrupting but...'' The blue haired woman walked over to the latter ''why are you trying on wedding dresses anyway?''

The requip mages eyes shot up as her face flushed slightly. "W-well I er... It's just- I wanted...'' Lucy rolled her eyes and walked up to the other two. But, it can't be said that she didn't pity the stuttering mess of Erza Scarlett, so she decided to save her on this occasion.

"Isn't it obvious Juvia? Erza wants to choose a costume for the fancy dress party tonight!'' Erza smiled contently in relief.

Juvia frowned. "What fancy dress party? Juvia was never told about a party!'' The blue haired mage started to panic. "JUVIA NEEDS TO FIND MATCHING OUTFITS FOR HERSELF AND GRAY SAMA!! With that she sprinted out of the room.

"Lucy... you idiot!'' Erza exclaimed.

"WHAT DID I DO??!'' The blonde asked frantically, as Erza clenched her fist and scrunched up her eyes.

"Now Juvia thinks there is a fancy dress party... we are going to have to lie to everyone at the guild hall now... and I'm sure Master wont agree with the idea.''

"Come on, it'll be fine,'' The blonde waved one hand dismissively. "Besides, I don't think he'll be too mad at us.''

"He wont, but it'll take him a long time to agree.''


"Sure, why the heck not. Sounds fun.''

Both female mages gaped in disbelief.

"HEAR THAT BRATS?!'' The short, old man shouted across the guild hall as numerous mages heads turned to look at him.


At this everyone cheered, at hearing the word 'party'. "If there's gonna be alcohol involved, I'm in.'' A certain brown haired mage stated.

"You serious? There's always alcohol involved.'' The ice mage argued, shortly after turning his head to Erza and Lucy. "Why does it have to be fancy dress? I dunno what to wear...'' he proclaimed, scratching his head in thought.

He stopped once he heard a chuckle from the red haired mage. "Oh I think Juvia has you covered.'' Gray paused. "On second thought... I think I... cough, came down with sometcough! Tell Juvia I can't make it will ya? Thanks!''

As he ran out of the guild, Erza started to follow.

"Where are you going?'' The blonde mage inquired as Erza turned her head slighty to look at her.

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