Chapter 10

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Winter waits for Brooklyn to respond. It's so quiet that you can here a pin drop. Just cut the tension with a knife. Brooklyn looked around the room. She didn't want to be there. She definitely didn't understand why her mother is going all out of her mind. Brooklyn emotions are running high.

"Why the hell are we here? Why are you keeping this a secret? Nothing is making sense. Now our lives are changing." Brooklyn cried out.

"I'm pretty sure that you girls know what's going on. They are investigating your father for rape. Against Rose and you guys. See things are going to be different from now on. I know this is a lot on you guys right now, but you guys have to work with me. Understand me?" Winter looked at both of the girls.

The girls looked at each other. They started to cry. You can tell that they been holding it in for a long time. Winter just held her daughters tight. She was hurting on the inside cause she knew that they pain was deep.

"We didn't know that you knew mom." Monica said as she wiped her face.

"Rose told me everything. I just don't understand why didn't you guys call me?" Winter sat next to Brooklyn on the couch.

"He said that we shouldn't say anything. Well more like threaten us not to say anything. Like he didn't want you to know. We were scared of what he might do so we kept it a secret. We just thought it would be over. " Brooklyn responded.

"Girls I love your father. Don't get me wrong. I wish this was some horrible dream for us. There isn't ANYTHING that I wouldn't do for you guys. Your father is a sick man." Winter looked at  her girls.

"Mom what's going to happen to dad? Are you guys going to get a divorce?" Monica asked.

Winter didn't want to hurt the kids any more than what they already were. She knows that her girls are old enough to understand, but that's not what the point is. They just can't be tortured anymore. "Well y'all get ready for school in the morning. I'll drive."

The girls gave Winter a hug and kiss good night. Winter watched the girls walk up to their rooms. When she heard both of the doors closed, she plops down on the couch. Winter just sat and sobbed. She was overwhelmed
by all the things that have been transpiring for the last couple of days. It's hard on her but she knows this what she has to do to protect them.

The next morning after she get the girls and drop them off at school. The school is very aware of the issues and promise to keep them safe. Winter leaves the school and notices that she has some miss calls from Stacey. As Winter is driving she calls Stacey back.

"Hey Stace. How's everything been going on?" Winter said when Winter answered the phone.

"We are doing good. Wondering if you and the girls are safe and well. Haven't heard from you in a few days.  Rose is wondering too." Stacey replied.

"Girl, I'm sorry. It's been a lot going on with this investigation. The girls asking questions and I can't answer them. I'm going to see Rose today. It's been a long couple of days." Winter exhaled with exhaustion.

"I guess so it would. Class is about to start Winter. I'll see you at the hospital tonight." They both said okay and hung up.

Winter makes it to the hospital. She sees Rose in therapy making herself stronger by the minute. She was so proud of her. The strength that Rose had was incredibly. Winter only wish she could have a pinch of her daughter's courage. Rose leaves out the therapy and a huge smile went across her face when saw her mom. They hugged each other for a while.

"Hey baby. Let's get you up to your room." Winter said as her and Rose walked down the hallway.

They made it to Rose room. Her room was filled with flowers and get well cards. Rose hopped over to her bed and propped her leg up. She was tired, but she didn't show her mom that.

"So, mom what's going on?" Rose asked as she flipped through the channels on TV.

"Just settling in the new place. You will like it Rose. It has a lot of space." Winter said.

"Yeah that's great mom. I been keeping up on my homework too. Stacey brings me my work from school everyday. I'm still on the ball with everything." Rose face lit up like a Christmas tree talking about school.

"I'm so proud of you Rose. You had made so much progress in the past few weeks. You never gave up on yourself. You are such an inspiration to others. I hope you are proud of yourself too. Cause you should be." Winter said to Rose.

"Thanks mom. I had a great role model on being strong. I am proud of myself. At the beginning of this I wanted to die. I felt disgusted at myself. Then I rub my belly and mind changes to survival mode. I don't know how, but I enjoy it. I want to keep my baby mom. Please don't make me give it away. I know it's a hard decision to make. I'll be great mom. I been going to the classes and everything. Before you jump and say it's daddy's it's not. Detective Lewis baby. Please mom?" Rose eyes started to well up.

"Wipe your face honey. I see you been putting some thought into this I see. Even though I am not 100% okay with this, I'll support your decision. Do know that you still have to go school and finish. I'll help with the baby and so will your sisters." Winter gave Rose a hug.

"Thank you. Thank you so much." Rose squezzed Winter tighter.

"Rose, why are you keeping the baby?" Winter wondered.

"You said that I was an inspiration. Plus, this is my decision. I wasn't forced to make it." Rose relaxed back to the bed.

"Okay baby." Winter said as she corsed Rose hair.

They sat there for a few more minutes and talked. Winter forgot how much fun her daughter was. Almost couldn't remember the last time she seen her daughter so happy. That her smile was so bright and big. Winter day lighten up after that. There was no greater feeling than seeing her daughter face happy. She honestly couldn't wait to see the day that all her daughters are happy.

Winter said goodbye to Rose. She promised to come back that night to see her. Winter never felt so happy. She couldn't wait to tell the news to the girls. She couldn't even wait to tell Stacey. Winter was having a great day. The day wasn't over yet. She couldn't wait to hear how the girls first day at school went.

Winter arrived home and the girls were sitting at the table quiet. This alarmed Winter considering the recent events of her life.

"What's going on girls?" Winter said as she laid her purse on the counter.

Monica took a note from her purse. "Mom people can't say things like this to us, can they?" Monica slid the note to Winter.

"Your dad is a pervert and you're a slut. I got $50 for you. Cheap hooker." Winter flings the note across the table.

"Don't worry about what them kids say. You guys know what you are." Winter said as she tries to play in Monica's hair.

Monica stands up. "Yeah now everyone thinks we are sluts cause our dad is a pervert. This is suppose to be better mom?" Monica walked into the kitchen.

"I'm going to go down to the school and handle it guys." Winter walks into the kitchen.

"Don't. That will only make it worse." Brooklyn intervened.

"Well what am I suppose to do?" Winter yelled in frustration.

At the same time the girls replied, "Nothing." They politely walked away.

Winter was about to eat, but she decides to take a drive. She picks up the car keys and her coat. She just needed some time alone. Winter decides to go the hospital. She drives around the round about that sits on Portage St. She gets close to the yellow light on Diamond and Portage, but her brakes won't work. In a panic Winter spins the car to try to avoid an accident. A semi truck smacks her face first up a pole. Winter is hurt and a little unconscious. She can barely see or hear out her right ear. This car pulls up and a man walks over to her.

"Bitch you think you can leave me and take my kids away? You'll die before I go to prison Winter. Don't play these games. I don't want to hurt. Well again anyways. Don't fuck with me. I know where you live. If you could talk then would be better. Bye slut. I got my eyes on you. I hope you die too." The man drives off. Winter slips into the dark.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2017 ⏰

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