Chapter 17: They love eachother.

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Egg yolks, cinnamon buns, savory crepes, hot coffee, fresh cut fruit, and blueberry pancakes.

Erik sits down Lauren, and presents her with a plate full of delicious food. "Good Lord Erik! You can cook!" He smiles and gives her cutlery. "I had practice." He returns to the stove to clean up, but she stops him. "No no no. You cooked, I clean. Come sit with me." She pulls a bar stool next to her and pats it for him to come sit. He rolls his eyes and sits next to her. She puts a plate infront of him and they eat together just like Lauren wanted. At first its silent. Her dream is really bothering her, and she wants to know more about the psychotic man she fell in love with.

"Erik. Im staying at your house, and I have no idea who you really are. Can you tell me who Im sitting next to?"

Erik chokes on his food for a moment then clears his throat. "You want to know who I am? My story?" She nods. He puts down his glass and sighs. "Its a horror story you seek. My life is not a fairytale." Lauren rolls her eyes and holds one of his hands. "Neither is mine. I just want to know who you are. Lets start from your childhood."

2 1/2 hours. They spent talking about each others lives. There were some tears, laughter, and happiness. Erik told her about how his mother was a witch to him, Lauren said how her father was almost killed by his best friends. He told her that he once fell in love with Christine Daaé, but then fell into despair when she loved another. She said how she had never loved anyone before...

"You've never fell in love before?" Erik asks her with a tint of concern. Lauren didn't want to answer. The truth is, she has. And she still is. With him. "Well I suppose I have..." She says quietly. He leans forward. "With whom?" She twirls her hair around her finger and looks at him. "Do you love anyone right at this moment?" She asks him. He nods. "Who is that?" Erik does the same thing she did. "Erik..." Lauren says.

They have already told one another they love each other, but its been such a long time... "Lauren..." He feels a strong urge to kiss her and leans in for one. Lauren leans in too. Just as their lips touch, He stops and sits normally. He feels guilty if he kisses her, and he doesn't know why. Her eyelids flutter and she sits up normally while her cheeks turn red. Theres a long period of silence between them.... Lauren breaks it. "It would be nice to get outside once in a while... Lets go somewhere!" She exclaims happily. He looks at her and raises an eyebrow. "In public? Im a criminal in Paris, and its freezing cold outside. Its winter." She shrugs. "I know, but the cold is refreshing." He groans and sighs, leaning his head back. "Fine. But if there is too many people, we're leaving." Lauren sighs and nods. "Alright, alright. I'm get dressed." She stands and hurries upstairs, excited to finally get some fresh air after being... Kidnapped.

Erik being already dressed, he cleans up the kitchen and feeds the dog and cat. Meanwhile, Phillip and the whole opera house were still in a frenzy.

"Lauren is smart. Its been weeks! That may mean that she is earning his trust until she can leave. Right?" Phillip said in false hope. "He has taken her and I believe there was some feelings before he took her." Says Madame Giry. He laughs in utter disbelief. "Feelings for the beast that lived in the sewers?! I find that very hard to believe!" She looks at him with doubt. "But do you really? Have you ever heard her talk about how horrible he is? If she didnt, wouldn't she have told you? They love eachother."Phillip lifts a finger and opens his mouth to speak, but says nothing.

"But, she didnt go with him willingly. Remember all the footsteps and whining we heard? That was her!" He puts a hand on his forehead. "Oh God... I should have ran out to help her. To see what was going on! Its my fault I- I-" Madame Giry stops him. "Its not your fault. The Phantom is a broken and insane man, who needed Lauren. There was nothing you, nor I could do." A police officer comes into her office. "Madame Giry, we haven't found anything yet. But 20 miles North, a woman said she heard a young woman screaming and saw a horse drawn carriage. That could be Lauren, but even if it was we don't know where they would have gone after that encounter." Phillip puts his head on the desk.

"I need to find her."

Taken: A Phantom of the Opera FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now