chapter 4

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Every time we play in California I think I see Summer in the crowd. I wasn't at all excited about this show I was so sure that I'd look out into that crowd and see her face. Of course it wasn't really her just my mind playing tricks on me. We were in our dressing room and getting ready to take the stage. Eric was talking to me I don't know what he was saying something about staying focused and not seeing things. I don't know. "Stephen, are you listening to me?"  I just looked at him "This is important, You have to keep it together, You have to remember she's not here"  I didn't answer him. I'm so sick of him trying to tell me what to do. I know he gets worried about me but I know what I'm doing. California. So many people yet I always saw her. Why did Kennedy have to tell me when Summer moved to California, because you asked about her, dumb ass. I reminded myself.  Eric suddenly looked mad. I guess he didn't like the fact that I wasn't listening. Shit I really need to pull myself together. 

It was time to go out on stage. The one place I could forget everything else in the world and just play. We ran out on stage to screams from thousands of fans. This never really gets old no matter how often we do it. I'm doing really good, my head is clear I'm so into the music. There are a few songs I wrote that were about Summer, I wrote and recorded them in hopes that she'd hear them and know they were for her. We were halfway into our third song, It was a quiet part, when all of a sudden we hear someone yell. Something about taking our clothes off. It was probably meant to get our attention. Fans get crazy with the things they yell out we just laugh about it. If it was yelled to get us to look it sure worked because we looked. For just a second I saw a flash of red hair and green eyes before the girl they were attached to disappeared. She was in the fourth row and there was no mistaking it I'd recognize that face anywhere. Summer was here in the same place as me. How many of my shows had she come to? Usually it was just a flash of red hair far back that would make me think it was her. Was it? I didn't even realize I'd stopped singing until Eric walked over to me and nudged me with his foot. For the rest of the show I kept looking over to see if she was there but it was hard to pick someone out in a crowd this size. When the last song had been sung I was never so glad to end a show. Walking off the stage Eric just gave me a look. I know he was thinking I was losing it and  maybe I was in the past, but not today I had seen her. 

Eric didn't really understand and of course he didn't believe me. I mean he believed that I thought I saw Summer but not that I actually saw her. Maybe she hadn't forgot about me. I had to believe she loved me and that one day we'd be together. Everyone was always telling me that I should move on but I didn't mind the fact that I occasionally felt. As weird as it sounds the pain is what told me I was alive, it kept me going and missing her, as hard as it was, at least I knew it was real. Eric was going on about some girl he saw in the audience but as always I was only half listening to him. Well that is until he mentioned that she was the one that yelled out and how he wouldn't mind taking his clothes off for her. I can't believe he just said that. But wait that was the girl by Summer. Had they been together? Maybe they were friends. Not like we had a chance of finding them. I poured myself a strong drink and sat down. This was going to be a long sleepless night as so many nights were but at least tonight I had something a little different. Tonight I had hope.

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