~ Ride to the First Station

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                                    I run. Fog came right after me. Places with loud voices irritates my ears. I can't hear any good sounds. As I walk infront of a white white door, I'm totally confused. I open it.  And I saw  a boy standing under a big apple. I cannot see his face because it is Blank!. I walk towards him and then.... I fall of a clift .                     

I can't shout! Why? What's Happening? I can't say any word! I close my eyes and open it.  

It was only a dream.


"Tik Tok! ". 5 :30 am in the morning. I woke up so early. Thanks God. I can't resist that terrible dream. Then I just felt something under my legs. I just pee on the bed. I thought it was too disgusting, I felt uncomfortable. I walk to the bathroom and clean myself I almost take a bath too early. After I was cleaned, I walked downstairs  to the kitchen and look  for some food. Because I just heard my stomach talked. Oh thank goodness I just saw a sandwich inside the refrigirator, I get it and ate it. As I ate the last piece, I drank the milk that I made ----Yummy!. 

When I finished eating. I find myself looking in the wide mirror besides to the front door of the kitchen.

I just see myself  holding the book of  Coraline by Neil Gaiman <----- My favorite book.

(sigh) We'll By The way I'm Caroline Runeil Furool , I'm only 9 years old. I am the youngest. My parents Andrea Runeil Furool and Lorence Furool,  named me by the guide of my favorite book. My  name Caroline came to the book Coraline, a  young explorer. She is intelligent, curious, resourceful, and courageous. I think they just made me like coraline jones a young and little skinny girl. They've just reverse the letters "C-A and C-O "  Cora to Caro. I dont know what my Mother think when it comes in giving names. My two brothers's names is so awful. I think It's too awkward for them, because their twins. Named Jonat and Than Furool. My Classmates called me "Furool a Fool! " I hate my last name cause it's sounds like FOOL . 

I just hate School and everything around it. When I'm in School I feel I am in the woods finding a way back home. My Grandmother  tells me I'm Smart. I am a bright student and a talented girl. And I never  believe that Joke. Sigh.

I open the book Coraline and close it again. I realized that I read that book so many times that I can imagine my life would be the same as coraline is like my horrible dream. I like coraline story but it frightens me when I imagined it. 


/.\/.| ..

Back to my Story. ----->  The first chapter of my story could describe a cute doll riding in a rollercoaster  with a frightning face. I am that cute doll who was in the backsit of the rollercoaster.    

I am so afraid that I have no one. No one cares and loves me. My Good story became my scary dream.

One day my grandmother tells me a good story.A cute story. My story.

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