Chapter 11

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Hajime P.O.V
I was working on some paperwork when the idiots burst through the door

"Hajime! Hajime! Hajime! Hajime!" They yelled

"Shut up what the hell do want?" I said glaring at them they started talking fast then went outside pulled a girl in a towel inside

"What the hell is this girl doing in a towel" I glared hitting their heads

Y/n P.O.V
I sat down crossing my legs watching Hajime giving the boys a huge lecture I sighed leaning back I noticed that blueberry was bright red avoiding my gaze

"Who the hell is this girl anyway?" Hajime asked

"That's y/n-chan," Nico said he looked at me closely then blinked a few times and sighed

"Seitarou give y/n your jacket," he said sitting down putting his hand on his head blueberry gave me his jacket I got up to put it on sat back down there was an awkward silence till Uno said something

" Why did you pretend to be a boy?"

"Well it's a long story" I sat up

" We have time y/n I'll make us some tea" Seitarou started making tea I sighed when we finished he gave us each a cup of tea I took a sip mind to cross my legs again

"Alright start explaining," Hajime said

"You see when I was young my dad left me on the streets only with a backpack inside it spare clothes he told me never tell anyone I'm a girl unless I really trust them" I took another sip of tea

"How old were you?" Rock asked

"Hmm I think I was six at the time after a while pretending to be a boy it became normal for me"

Seitarou P.O.V.
While y/n was explaining I can tell that she was really lonely

"But when people find out that I'm a girl they start treating me differently which I hated" she sighed putting the cup down leaning back

"We won't treat you differently y/n-chan," Nico said smiling

"Heh thanks, Nico" she smiled

"How many people did you trust," Jyugo asked

"Only three knight, flame and blueberry here"

"And what about the group hm?" Supervisor asked y/n only smirk lean forward

"Heh that you don't need to know about that your lucky I told thus much of my past but that was only part of it"

Back to Y/n P.O.V
Hajime sighed got up told us to go back to our cell I got walk out with everyone

Once we made it back I grab my clothes went to the bathroom to put them on finally I can't believe they drag me out there without any clothes on when I finished I notice everyone was acting normal I don't know why but it made me happy

"Y/n-chan you still haven't told me your stories yet" Nico ran up to me smiling like a child I only laughed everyone started looking at me like I was crazy

" Your ok y/n?" Jyugo asked I stopped looking at them and smiled

"Yeah I'm just happy that's all"

No one P.O.V
When the boys saw y/n smiling they started blushing softly

Hajime went to see the warden

"I take it you found outright?" She glared at him

"Yes I have"

"Told you she was special"

"Yo Hajime! You found out about our princess" Mitsuru pop out of nowhere

"Princess?" Hajime asked

"Yup number 18" Mitsuru smiled

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