Chapter 7

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Hajime P.O.V.
"Seems like your punks are a trap" I smirked cracking my knuckles they look so scared till inmate 18 told them to split up him and inmate 11 went one way while inmate 69, 25, and 15 went the other way

"Yamato go after the those three I'll get those two idiots," I said he laughed loudly

"Ha Ha Ha of course supervisor" he ran after them.

I ran after inmate 11 and 18 where the hell are those two idiots
Back to Uno P.O.V.
After Y/n told us to split up I went with him while the others went the other way.

"Do you think we lost him?" Y/n asked

"I don't know I hope so," I said looking around

"Let's go left," y/n said we headed left "Why are you here for anyway," he asked

"I was caught in underground gambling"

"That sounds like fun how come you escape?"

"I had a date"

"I take it you're a ladies man," he said nudging me in my side

"Heh yeah I love every girl I meet"

"I can see why your pretty nice dude and kinda cute"

"I'm not cute I'm handsome"

"I finally found you punks get back here" Hajime yelled

Me and y/n turn around started running as fast as we could
Y/n P.O.V.
I and Uno kept running we were far from Hajime. Uno turned the corner pulled me into him which was embarrassing I tried not to blush he actually smelt really nice

"Shh don't say anything I think I hear him," Uno said

As soon he said that Hajime came running by when he left Uno let me go

"Hehe sorry about that y/n" he apologizes

"It's ok Uno let's get going before he finds us again," I said we started running again
Uno P.O.V. Again
As we were running I couldn't help but noticed that Y/n body frame is a little small and his hair smelt like strawberries hm could he? Nah
No P.O.V.
"Jyugo I think we lost Yamato," Nico said

Jyugo sighed "Great they have to give him a GPS," he said

The boys were walking they ran into two more guys

"Ow that hurts" y/n

"Hiii y/n-chan hi Uno," Nico said

"Can you guys get off" Jyugo complained

Everyone got up when they did Hajime ran up to them started dragging them back to their cell

"Now you assholes stay here for once goodnight," Hajime said throwing them inside left for the inside
Back to Y/n P.O.V.
Everyone was getting ready for bed I got my futon set it next to the window

"Night everyone," I said laying down covering myself

"Night y/n-chan sweet dreams," Nico said laying down falling asleep everyone said night and fallen asleep but I waited another hour just to be sure as everyone was in a deep sleep I got up snuck my way into the bathroom taking a bath

"Today was fun I wonder what tomorrow going to bring"

He Actually a She?!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ