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Senpai's POV

I rubbed my eyes pondering the time. "Its only 7:45." I told myelf. Wait. Im going to be late!!I threw on my already washed uniform and grabbed my bento box my mom had prepared for me and ran. After a block i saw hair more orange than an orange itself. "Hey osana!" I said as i slowed down. "What took you so long! School starts in ten minutes! You baka!!" "Sorry! I woke up late!" She started screaming about how i would get lost and how im an idiot. I was used to it at this point. She only does it every day.

Time skip brought to you by how little mtn dew is in my house

We barely made it into school on time with me panting as the bell rang. I was in my class at this point. The lesson was boring. It was some review about some math something and i just scribbled notes as i dreamed. I already knew all the answers and it felt useless to pay attention. I started to doodle because of that reason. What to draw though. It started with a circle. Once class had ended i looked at it. It was a human. A boy. He seemed familiar. *Bing Bing Bing* The bell had rang. Time for lunch i thought. I held the paper in my book though. I went to the fountain. "Lets eat on the roof you baka!" Osana screamed as she took my arm and dragged me up the stairs. I shoveled food in my mouth as i said "Hey osana-chan! Do you know who this is?" "What is this a pop quiz?!?" She defensively screamed "No i dont. And close your mouth when you chew!" A slight giggle escaped my lips as I apologized.

Another time skip dew to how lazy i am and how long it will take to get to the good part

Me and osana chatted our way home. We came to my house. "Bye Osana-chan! Ill try to wake up earlier!" I exclaimed. "Senpai wait!" Osana begged with a sweet tone. "I want to tell you something." I nodded. "I-i. I. Look! Just meet me by the cherry tree in the morning!" "Okay?" I nodded confused as i walked inside my house. That was weird. I thought to myself as i was greeted with a cheerful little sister saying "Welcome home big bro!" I smiled and said hi. "Whats up lil sis?" "I was thinking. We wont be this close in the future will we? Promise me nothing will change! Promise!!" "I cant. Change is part of growing up. But ill still spend time with you no matter what." She smiled. We talked about unicorns and tv and many other things until mom came home. "I brought take out!" She exclaimed. "Thank you so so so much mommy!!" Hanako screamed. "I stared with one thing on my mind. "Hey mom." I paused " Where is dad?"  "Probably dr— at work." This was her response every day. I dont know if i have a dad anymore. We ate our take out. It was nice. The next day i woke up at six thirty and got ready. I got to see my mom leave which was nice. I rushed to the school so i could meet up with osana by the tree. Ad I was running i ran into a guy. "Im so sorry!" I exclaimed looking at the books of his i  knocked to the ground. "Let me help you." I helped the person with their bag and they ran off before i could apologize. They seem strange. I dont hate strange though. I ran off to the cherry tree. "Hey osana!" I said once i got there. She wasnt there. I was surprised. I finally got a chance to say that she was late. I waited. And waited. "What time is it?" I said to myself as i checked my watch. It was 7:55. I had to run fast or i would miss school!! So i did. During class we had the same boring lesson. I couldnt help but think about that boy i ran into. He seemed familiar. Almost like—A knock on the door stopped my
Train if thought. "Im looking for a Taro Yamado." I stood up and said "Thats me." The man wore a bright blue shirt and a blue cap. He gestured me outside. Once in the hall he asked "do you know an osana najime?" "Shes my closest friend. Why?" "I hate to tell you this but... osana was found dismembered in the trash can by the gardening club."

Osana was dead!!

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