|•Chapter 2•|

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Tomorrow I start school..yay! At least I get away from Abby for 6 hours. I hear a screechy voice call my name.
"I'm coming Abby!"
I go downstairs and I see her and the two wicked people I live with. They don't deserve to be called stepsisters.
"Make me salmon and clean this place it looks awful. Make sure the sprinklers are on and clean the pool. Then you can go to the restaurant and work there."
"Ok but, we're in a drought we're supposed to be saving water.."
"I don't care now you go make me my 100 calories salmon you're so lazy honestly."
"Bitch" I whisper under my breath. Thank god she didn't hear me. I make her "100" calorie salmon. And send it to her.
"Is this cooked properly?"
"Yes, it is I spend 20 minutes just cooking that."
"Ok do your duties shoo now."
Ugh. I can't wait till school maybe she will make me work less. At least this is my senior year next year I can leave. I have been saving up to go to Princeton. It's always been a dream of mine. I go to clean the pool and of course it's spotless she thinks everything is dirty. I turn on the sprinklers cause we need "green" grass. Then I go to the restaurant.
"I'm leaving to go to the restaurant Abby!"
"Did you finish the chores?"
"Yes!" I didn't hear a response so I leave. Once I'm there I see Phoebe. Phoebe is older than me she's like 32 but she's basically my dads best friend. I count her as my aunt that's how close they were.
"Hey hey hey!" She says
"What's uo is Abby being a bitch again?"
"What do you expect she always is." I say wiping the counter. I then see the "popular" kids come in. Ethan Dolan, Grayson Dolan, Isabella Evans, Kara Stevens, and Cameron Dallas . I hate them all. I turn around to see if Phoebe can get their order...she's helping Mario(the chef) turn on the stove. It's old but it still works. I go up to them.
"What can I get you?" I say
"Haha it's uh whats your name...oh Emma."
"It's Emily but nice try."
"Ugh whatever I'll call you diner girl." She says
"So diner girl..what can I get that has 0 calories and no fat?" Shes so stupid.
"Water?." I say I'm cringing so hard.
"Ugh whatever I'll get a milkshake what do you want babe?" She says looking at Ethan.
"I'll just get some water please."
"Oii diner girl get me a strawberry smoothie." Cameron says.
"And a uh a chocolate milkshake." Kara says.
"Coming right up."
As I bring their drinks they leave and Ethan pauses and looks at me...we give each other a glance for about 10 seconds.
"Uh here is ok I'll pay." He leaves a 50 dollar bill on the table.
"It's okay you didn't even..."
He leaves. Ugh.
~~~~~~~~~~~time skip home~~~~~~~~~~
Finally home. I go to the shower it's 8:30 and I wonder what I should wear for tomorrow. I find something and take a shower.

 I find something and take a shower

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Perfect....nice and simple. I decide not to wear the earrings or the watch. Anyways the gold on the watch is fake so. The earrings I stole from Abby shh. I put on my pajamas and when I look out the window I see a familiar face..Ethan. We look at each other and I just close the curtains. I totally forgot to teacher Princeton boy! Oops he beat me to it. (This is a chatting website)
Princetonboy27- hey what's up?
Nomad505- nothing much just dealing with my life ya know annoying.
Princetonboy27- yeah I get it...hey when can we see each other I really want to meet you..
Nomad505-soon I promise. All I know is that you go to the same highschool so we have school tomorrow.
Princetonboy27- I want to know more about you not just about your life I want to know who you are.
Nomad505-we will see soon like I said. Okay goodnight I'll text you tomorrow.
Princetonboy27-ok goodnight 🤧
I wake up it's morning I hear my alarm go off. I get ready . I feel like today is the day I should meet Princeton boy. I open my curtains for light forgetting that Ethan could see me. I text Princeton boy.
"Hey I want to meet you today!"
"Okay sounds cool I'll see you at the fountain in front of our school." He replies.
"Ok see you." I respond.
I'm so nervous what if he doesn't like me? What if he's to perfect for me? What if- I need to go to school already and see what happens. I text my best friend... Prim.
"Hey can you come pick me up?"
"Sure I'll be there in 5 x❤️" She replies
I see her outside and I go into the car forgetting to say bye to Fiona.
I call her and leave a voicemail saying I'm leaving going to school I'll be back at 3:30. I tell primrose about it
"Ooh I hope it ends good you better tell me what happens." She says parking her car.
"See you afterschool!." I say
"Bye!!" She replies.
I pause when I see someone at the fountain...no it can't be.
~~~~~~~~~~~end of chapter~~~~~~~~~~~
World count-904

Princeton Boy e.dTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang