Chapter Thirteen

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After being in a delirious state, I guessed I was drugged at that stupid party. I regretted even going to in the first place, I even met the mysterious stranger who made sure that I got home safe, took care of me. I even got to know his name of Archie, until he came...

26th December 2009

The next morning was a blur as I woke up in my bed from the grogginess of last night's party and I was feeling sick, sick to the point where I got up from the bed and ran towards the bathroom merely had to throw up in the toilet.

When I had finished my business, I screamed, screamed so loud that the neighbours would hear it, hell even the whole world would hear my screams. When I had returned to my bedroom, there was a man sitting on the chair opposite of my bathroom.

I took a glance at him, he has a shady look in his eyes but he was very good looking, he has a cool sea blue eyes, the one that could melt your very soul. I blinked when I was staring in his eyes. He had sandy brown hair, which was lush and kept neat.

His outfit was weird, considering its winter, but I wouldn't bother with that because this man is IN my house! My heart was beating too fast as I screamed even more, louder this time.

"Who the hell are you? How did you get into my house? Are you a thief?!" I yelled at the stranger who just kept staring at me and eventually he smiled, he freaking smiled!

"Relax, I'm not here to hurt you, well erm this is embarrassing but you kind of ran into me last night when you were at that party, I was there but I left early as I needed to do something but then I came back to the same road where I saw you drunk and all is history." He put his hand out in mid-air.

"My name is Archie and I'm so sorry for intruding on you like this, I just, you looked so drunk last night and I just knew that you needed help as you were alone and I wouldn't be a gentleman if I looked after you." He blushed slightly.

I smiled but frowned, recollecting what I have said last night, but not remembering anything so I asked him.

"So Archie the thing is did I or not have said anything while I was drunk?"

He grimaced at the fact.

"Well you did say a couple of things.... Oh and a name that probably meant something to you? What was it? Oh yeah, Killian!" He smiled while I froze on the spot.

'I said his name, why would I say his name?'

"Are you okay?" He frowned "Oh sorry I didn't catch your name" He blushed.

"Oh sorry, where are my manners, I'm Lisa, Lisa Pebble" I gripped his hand firmly for a brief shake and I remembered something "Wait, I think I know you from somewhere, but I can't remember where..."

"No problem" He smiled. He got up from the chair and turned the doorknob just before meeting my gaze; "It's nice to meet you Lisa and I hope we'll see each other again soon, I'm so sorry to barge into your home without your permission but you were drunk, so for that I am really sorry" He looked down to the floor.

I squeezed his shoulder as a sign of comfort, "It's really okay, don't worry about it, I should be thanking you for taking great care of me last night, I wasn't really in my right state of mind. I think someone intentionally drugged the punch, but I don't know why."

"You're welcome Lisa. Goodbye, I'm sure we'll meet again soon" Looking at me once again with those sea-blue eyes, he turned the doorknob and pulled the door open as he left the house.

I left out a heave of sigh and went to take a shower, humming a song as I showered.

As I got out from the shower, dressed in a comfy jumper and black leggings, I quickly dried off my hair and went downstairs to make myself some breakfast. I would make one for Holly, but considering our fight, I'd let that one slide. I sighed sadly, missing the best content that is my best friend, if we are even friends.

After eating some stale toast, topped up with a half glass of orange juice, I decided to do some shopping around town as sales has dropped significantly. I hummed happily as I came home with bags of clothing, ready for spring in March.

I sat down on the sofa and sighed, 'what happened with Killian and Matthew, I'm worried for them and they have been missing for days' I had this feeling of thoughts, which was then interrupted by a doorbell.

I frowned, 'who would be here right now? Maybe it's Holly?' My face suddenly beamed with a big smile on my face, considering that my best friend might be behind the door.

As I opened the door, my face laced with shock and confusion... There was a man that I least expected to meet...

It was Killian.

And what the hell is he doing here?!

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