Sick Day chapter 1

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It had been 2 days since Marinette first called in sick and Alya was becoming more worried by the minute. Even Chloe held her breath during morning attendance to wait for Mairnettes usual untimely arrival just shy of role call. When no one came falling through the door, she gave a huff before whispering loudly how thankful she was that her classmate had skipped classes again.

Nino turned back to Alya in his seat and mouthed silently 'what's up with Marinette?' And in order to protect her friend, yet again, Alya simply shrugged. If Mari wasn't ready to tell anyone why she was absent, she wasn't going to speculate....

there was a pang of hurt, however, that blazed through Alya's chest in that moment. Wasn't she supposed to know? Marinette and Alya sat together all year, and despite getting along famously when they were together, she still felt so far away from her- as if being held at arms length. And Marinette had only returned her many probing texts the day before with: "I have a bad cold 🤒 take notes for me, okay?"

The afternoon was melting away into evening by the time Alya found herself inside of the family home nestled above the Dupain-Cheng bakery. She hesitated before knocking on Marinettes door. Alya spoke quietly to herself, "Maybe Mari is keeping to herself for a reason- i want to respect her boundaries but..." she gathered her resolve. She would help Marinette, her first and only friend, no matter what!

Holding fast to her righteous confidence, instead of knocking, Alya burst through the door to the bedroom yelling, "it's time to get better, girl! Your sister from another mister is HERE!"

As Alya finished her sentence she noticed just how tepid Marinettes condition was. Her classmate was laying on her bed curled up into the fetal position. Her tear-stained checks and bloodshot eyes barely registered Alya as she entered. Marinettes clothes and bedsheets were soiled and damp from sweat and tears. She looked miserable and exhausted, like a child lost in the rain and Alya's breath caught in her throat. How could Marinette, who was always so kind and cheerful, who would give anyone who needed it the clothes off her back- how could she devolve into such a state?

Alya pushed her own emotions to the side. She was hurt that Marinette couldn't talk to her about whatever caused this, but she was also angry. Whatever happened, she would find out and she would have revenge.... but Marinette came first. Alya's thoughts and emotions would have to wait- her friend needed her steadfast and calm. Whatever Mari was dealing with, Alya would be her rock.

Alya walked over to the bed and placed a hand on Marinettes forehead. "Girl, you are burning up." She said calmly. "What do you say we get you in the bath to help bring that fever down?" Even if she wasn't the kind of sick that Alya expected, she would pretend. She would keep up the farce for Marinettes dignity.

Without acknowledgement of her words from Marinette, Alya began to help her friend to her feet and eventually to the bathroom. The dark despondent girl sat on the toilet as Alya prepared a hot bath filled with fizzing bubbles and Epsom salts. Alya moved through her work in easy silence as she pulled fluffy towels from the Dupain-Cheng closets.

Alya sat down in front of Marinette, "the bath is all set love, I'm going to help you take your clothes off now, okay?" The girl gave a slight nod that gave Alya's heart a double beat. 'That's a good sign.' She told herself. 'She's coming back to me.'

As Alya began to take off Marinettes soggy cheongsam top, she noticed the marks on her back and shoulders. They were wounds- some now healed into scars and others were fresh and newly scabbed over. She desperately wanted to ask questions but she didn't dare to disturb the small bit of progress she had already made trying to bring Marinette back to the world. She carefully removed Marinettes bra so as not to disturb the healing flesh and followed sooth with the rest of her clothing. Using all of her strength, she helped her friend into the hot bath. "Okay girl, just take your time and I'll check on you in 10, okay?" As Alya turned to leave she felt a tug on the back of her shirt.

Alya's heart lept at yet another sign on Marinettes return. She looked back slowly and allowed Mari to pull her down into the tub with her. There, the two girls sat, Marinette still holding Alya's clothes. A peaceful silence fell over them and Marinette began to release silent tears--and Salt water mixed with salt water.

The tears flowed on and on - longer than Alya could track. She simply resolved to give her friend's emotions the space they deserved. Without discussion or justification - or even an explanation- she just sat and listened to the sounds of the bath.

After a long time Marinette pulled herself closer to Alya. She sat between her legs with her back to Alya's chest- just as Mannon when she would fix her hair. Resting her head on Alya's arm, she

Finally let out a very quiet, "thank you."

Alya ran her other hand over Marinettes hair. She had never felt so close to someone-so in tune with another person's emotions and she was entranced. She leaned her head down close to Marinettes ear and whispered back, "vous êtes le bienvenu, amor." And slid her hand out of Marinettes hair and around her waist- holding her closer still.

The steam and smells from the bath salts were making Alya heady. She allowed her head to droop lower until her nose found her way to Marinettes neck. Alya breathed in the scent of her, thick with emotion. Mari smelled like the bath but something else was there too- like sunlight in autumn- crisp but warm.

Alya wanted to help soothe Marinette- this sweet and clumsy girl who wrapped others in the warmth of her emotions. Before she could help herself Alya heard herself speak, words dropping from her lips thick and smoothe like honey into the rising steam. "Marinette, I'm here with you... I can wait for you- as long as it takes- feel all that you need to feel and I'll be next to you until you come back to me."

Alya nuzzled Marinettes neck and sat back and she heard the girl sigh. Marinette began to turn her body slowly until the two were nose to nose. "Alya," she said in a gravelly voice, as if just speaking for the first time, "is it okay if I kiss you?"

Alya replied by kissing Marinette softly. First her forehead, then her cheeks- her neck, and finally her lips. As if lost in a trance, Alya pulled at Marinettes soft pink lips with her own, skin lit afire everywhere they touched. With each touch the kiss deepened until Marinette slid her arms around Alya's neck to get closer. Sticky air hung between them as Alya felt Marinettes hard nipples on her chest. Marinette gently licked the underside of Alya's lips as she pulled at them with her own until both were raw with pleasure.

Alya slid her hands down Marinettes arms and found them cold. How long had they been in the bath together? Minutes? Hours? She couldn't think clearly through the haze of sensations rippling over her body.

"Marinette," Alya pulled away, "you're going to get sick if we stay in here, girl, why don't we dry up?" Marinette looked at her with a sudden shy smile.

"I guess you're right." She said as she began to stand with Alya's help.

Alya took one of the big towels from the top of the toilet and began to dry Marinette's body. She wanted her, there was no denying it, but didn't know if she wanted to continue because of Mari's emotional state. Going further, wouldn't that be taking advantage? She had only meant to come and comfort her- and she would do anything to help Marinette come back to her old self.

As she finished drying Marinette's hair, she looked down from her thoughts only to lock eyes with the Blue eyed girl. "Alya," Marinette smiled coyly, "you're all wet." Mari reached up and began unbuckling Alya's belt.

Alya held Marinette's hands. "No," she said to Marinette and herself with a willpower she had never known before, "you just came back to the land of the living... I want this, and I know once we start, you would definitely want this... but we can't- not today... so you head back to bed and I'll change here. I'll come and check on you when I'm done." She looked away from Marinette's creamy skin. She wouldn't do that to her friend, wouldn't manipulate her no matter how bad she wanted to.

She didn't see what Marinette did next but she saw her towel slide down around her feet. "Oh I think are far from finished Alya," she said in a tone her friend had never heard before. There was no more shyness or sweetness to it. Suddenly, the girl she had sat next to for an entire year was confident and commanding- something Alya had never seen in her before.

The new Marinette pulled Alya's face to look at her naked body once more, "... I'll be a good girl and go wait for you in the room. But don't keep me waiting."

Sick Day: a Miraculous Ladybug fanfic (AlyaxMarinette)Where stories live. Discover now