chapter 3

371 15 5

* 1 hour later

I sat on my phone playing games until I heard the door open and there walked Chance in with a girl on his arm and looking drink as hell. Its only been an hour how did he have time to do that.

Alex: Hi I'm Alex

Tessa: "hey I'm Tessa" I said putting a fake smile on

Chance: can you clear for like 1 hour or so

I looked at him in disbelief. I understand that its a fake marriage but still. Who the hell does that

Tessa: I'm sorry but this is my room too and if you want to go bang some slut do it in another room.

I can't believe I said that. I've never been that mean before. All of a sudden I see the girl, Alex, walk up to me and slap me hard. My cheek is red and there's a scratch mark. I see Alex pull Chance into a kiss and walk out of the room. I hold my cheek and cry. Why this life why me? I just want to be in Tristan's arms right now... I think to myself wait why can't I be in Tristan's arms right now. I'm going out. I put a dress on and pack a bag and call an uber. Luckily no one stopped me. Around 25 minutes later I came to his place. I took out the key he gave me and walked in. What the hell is that noise. I hear a girl?! I run to his bedroom and open the door and see Tristan in bed with another girl. I burst into tears and Tristan gets the girl out and comes to me

Triatan: Tessa I'm so sorry. It was a slip up..

I sit on the ground curled up into a ball and say

"Well this makes breaking up with you easier then" I say going to his bedroom and picking up stuff I left there

Tristan: you were going to break up with me?

Tessa: I had to because I'm getting married but I still wanted to be here with you. And look what happened.

Tristan: tess.. I'm sorry it was a mistake. I love you

Tessa: "If you loved me you wouldn't have done that.." I say collecting the last of my things and getting my uber.

He stands there looking down as I walk out. I walk to my uber when I hear his voice and I turn around

Tristan: who's the lucky guy?

Tessa: "Chance Sutton" I choke out not daring to let any more tears spill out. I step in the uber and go back to the house. I just want to go back home to my family even though they're the reason this happened. I arrive back to the house just to see that the slut is leaving. She gives me a scoff as she looks at my red puffy tear stained face.

Alex: he'll never love you

I wanted to kick her ass so badly. But she's right. Why would he or anyone ever love me and I guess this is how the rest of this life will go

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