Chapter Four

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The next morning, I was woken up by Peyton shaking me awake. I blinked my eyes at her as she came into focus. "Taylor, I need you to take me to the hospital, right now," she said sternly. I was on my feet in seconds and I pulled on my shoes. I took her hand, not giving her a chance to explain as I dragged her to the car. She got in one side and I on the other. I drove like a madman to the hospital, while she spat blood into a tissue. I haphazardly parked in an empty space and ran to the other side. As Peyton opened her door, I scooped her into my arms and carried her inside.

"Help! Someone help please!" I shouted. A nurse came running, pushing a wheelchair. I set Peyton in the chair and I tried to run back into the rooms with them, but the nurse stopped me.

"Sir, are you her husband?" she asked. I shook my head and she put her hand out. "Well then, sir, you need to stay here." She took off with Peyton and I about had a heartattack. Just standing there, useless to Peyton, not even being able to BE with her while she was in that room, made me feel guilty. I went back to the waiting room and sat down in an armchair, my face cradled in the palm of my hands. I looked up at the nurse as she came over to me, a faint smile on her face. "You can come back and see her now if you wish." I nodded my head and rose to my feet.

She escorted me back to Peyton's room, where I saw Peyton laying in a bed, tubes and wires hanging out of her pale limp body, and her long hair was replaced by a purple stocking cap. I stuffed my hands into my pockets and sat down at her side. I watched as her chest rose and fell as she slept. I reached out and cupped my hand over hers. The nurse left us and I gave her hand a gentle squeeze. After a few minutes, she began to stir, and she opened her eyes. "Hi," she said weakly. I gave her a small smile.

"Hey. How're you feeling?" She shrugged her shoulders, barely lifting them off of the pillows.

"As good as I could get I guess." She took in loud uneven breaths and I felt her fingers move in the palm of my hand. "How long have you been here?"

"Since I brought you in this morning," I replied. "I was so scared, Peyton. They wouldn't let me back here to see you, because we weren't married." Peyton shrugged her shoulders.

"Some hospitals are like that...they aren't letting me leave though. I'm staying here in condition is...too...unstable," she began to falter with her words. "I you" I squeezed her hand tightly.

"Hush now, Peyton, you need to sleep," I whispered to her. She nodded her head and her eyes began to close again. "But before you do, I want to ask you something." Her eyes opened a little bit as she looked at me.

"What?" she whispered. I scooted my chair closer to her and leaned my lips down to her ear.

"Will you marry me?" I leaned back, taking in her reaction. She looked so pale and small, like she might break if I squeezed her hand any tighter. I was surprised when she nodded her head.

"Of course I will." I stood up and kissed her forehead.

"I'm going to get Hannah from the sitter's and then head on home, okay? I'll be back in the morning after you have gotten some rest." She nodded her head, and I kissed her softly as I walked out of her room. I got back into my car and picked Hannah up from the sitter's house. As we drove back to my house, I looked down at Hannah as she stared out the window. I gripped the steering wheel. "Hannah, tomorrow I am going to take you to the hospital." Her hand snapped over in my direction, her eyes wide.

"Why, Daddy?" she asked.

"I have a friend that I want you to meet. Her name is Peyton...and Daddy is going to marry her."

"Is she nice?" I nodded my head.

"Oh yes, she's very nice."

"Do you like her?" I chuckled softly and glanced at her again. I turned my eyes back to the road.

"I love her very much, Hannah."

"More than Mommy?" I shook my head.

"Your mommy gave me you, Hannah, and no one could replace her in your heart...and I still love your mommy, but not the way that I used too." She nodded her head slowly and stared at the floor.

"Are you going to marry Peyton?" I nodded my head.

"I plan on it." I parked in the driveway and carried Hannah into the house. She sat on the couch where Peyton and I had once laid. I walked into the bathroom and saw the bloodstains on the white porcelain sink. I sighed heavily as I grabbed a grey washcloth from the cupboard above the toilet. I got it damp and started to wash the sink. I turned, tossing it into the hamper on my way out. I walked in to find Hannah cuddled up in the blanket that Peyton and I had slept under. I sat down on the couch and turned to watch The Little Mermaid with her.

Before the movie was halfway over, she was already drifting off to sleep. I picked her up in my arms and carried her to her room. I covered her up with the blankets and I leaned down, kissing her cheek. I walked back into the living room and picked up the blanket Peyton had used. I shook it out, getting ready to fold it up, when a light grey beanie fell to the floor. I picked it up and studied it. It was Peyton's. I brought it to my nose and took in a deep breath, collecting its scent. It smelled like roses and lilac. Tears began to burn my eyes and I sat down on the couch.

I had only four days left with Peyton and I am sitting here. I checked the time and saw that it was only eight o'clock. I took a deep breath and ran back into Hannah's room. I picked her up and put her shoes and jacket on her. I carried her out to the car and strapped in the backseat. I revved the engine and drove like crazy to Veronica's house. I ran to the front door, and rapped my knuckles against the wooden door. She came to the door, her blonde hair cascading passed her shoulders. She was dressed in sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt. MY old college shirt, if I wasn't mistaken. She looked back at the car, probably wondering where Hannah was. "I know we are divorced, but I need you to come with me for time is short," I told her.

She furrowed a brow at my response and I rolled my eyes. "Get some shoes on for I am in a rush." She hurriedly put on her slippers and followed me out to car. She got into the passenger seat and I backed out into the street, heading straight for the hospital.

"What has gotten into you, Taylor?!" she yelled as I blew through a stop sign. I shook my head as I parked in an empty parking space in front of the hospital.

"I am going in to go see my wife, you need to stay here with Hannah," I said sternly as I opened my door.

"Taylor!" Veronica shouted at me. "Taylor!" I ran into the hospital and ignored as I ran back to Peyton's room. I slammed the door behind me, forcing her awake. Peyton lifted her head.

"Is it morning already?" she asked weakly. I shook my head and I lunged at her, my lips landing against hers.

"I can't wait to til tomorrow. Let us wed today."

"No, no you are being foolish, Taylor Ovid. You must go home and sleep, and when morning comes you are to return to me, for us to talk of our marriage. Please, Taylor, I am far too weak to deal with you foolishness." I stepped back and nodded my head, taking my coat off.

"But, my love, I wish to stay with you. You only have but four days left to breath the sweet air, and I can't lose you after only a day of having you in my arms." I turned as the door was thrown open and in walked Veronica, Hannah in her arms. She looked angry.

"Taylor, you cannot just drag me out of my house so late at night and expect me to stay in the car with our daughter," she said bitterly. Her eyes flickered over to Peyton.

"Peyton? Peyton Hackshaw?" Peyton nodded her head weakly and her eyes went back to me. "Why are you here with her?" I sighed heavily and took Peyton's hand in mine.

"Peyton and I are going to be getting married tomorrow." Veronica's eyes widened and she sat Hannah down in the chair. She grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and dragged me out to the hallway, closing the door behind us.

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