Chapter Five pt. Two

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Veronica quietly closed the door to Peyton's room, and started walking towards the cafeteria. I followed her and came to her side. "What is this about, Veronica?" I asked as we passed the lady at the front desk. She shook her head and I watched her eyes darken. I knew what that meant. She was beyond angry with me. "Veronica, please talk to me." Before we walked into the cafeteria, she turned towards me, her lips pursed and her nostrils flaring.

"How could you be so stupid, Taylor?!" she shouted in a whisper. I sighed heavily and ran my hand through my hair. "Taylor, she is DYING. Why marry someone who doesn't have long left to live?" I shook my head, resting my hands on my waist.

"Veronica, you don't understand." She threw her hands in the air in frustration.

"Then explain it to me, Taylor! Why would you marry someone who is going to die?!"

"Because she found out six years ago that she had cancer, and she didn't tell me. The night that we got married, she was THERE, and I turned her away. I told her that she needed to leave, because whatever we had was no longer there. I LIED to her, Veronica, because I thought that marrying you was right. I mean, you were pregnant with my daughter, what was I suppose to do?! Be a complete arse and run out on you and my unborn child, when I was needed?! I wasn't going to make the same mistake that my father did. He ran out on my mom the day of their wedding and he never came back into my life again." Veronica sighed heavily.

"I'm sorry, Taylor. I didn't know."

"I thought that I LOVED you, Veronica. You made me believe that we were in love when were only eighteen. Veronica, I swear sometimes I wonder if the roles aren't reversed here. I mean, you would be Paris, I would be Juliet, and...and Peyton would be Romeo." Veronica reached her arm back and slapped me across the face.

"This isn't some damn play, Taylor! You and Peyton are not Romeo and Juliet! I swear throughout our whole marriage you were resenting me, because I won your heart and Peyton didn't, but, Taylor, it wasn't my fault that our marriage ended the way it did. It was yours, Taylor! You were always reading that damn play and you only wanted anything to do with Hannah! Never me! For six years, I wasted my time trying to get you to love me!" People were starting to stare at us and I took her into my arms, muffling the sounds of her cries into my chest.

"I'm sorry, Veronica. I'm so sorry." She pushed me away.

"Then why do through with this marriage then? Why marry Peyton after only being divorced from me for a week?" Her face was red and blotchy, and her eyes were puffy. She swiped the back of her hand under her nose.

"Because I love her, Veronica. You're right...I have always loved Peyton and I never stopped even after we got married, but, Veronica, Peyton only has so much time left. She has three days before she dies...and I'm sorry, but I think that she deserves to die being loved by a man that truly loves her. She didn't have to agree, but yet she did. Veronica, I'm sorry that our marriage was a waste of our time, but...I love her." She nodded her head, sighed heavily, and approached me, wrapped her arms around my torso. I planted a kiss on the top of her head. "We should really get back to Peyton and Hannah." She nodded her head, stepped back, wiped her eyes, and we headed back to Peyton's room. When we walked in, we both froze.

Hannah was cuddled up in Peyton's bed, with Peyton's arms wrapped around her. I looked to Veronica as she covered her hand with her mouth, tears rushing down her face. I touched her shoulder and she rested her head against me. "They look adorable together," I whispered. She nodded her head, a faint smile on her lips. She reached into my pocket, and pulled out my phone. She walked away from me as she opened the camera. She raised the phone and snapped a quick picture of Peyton and Hannah. She turned back to me, placing the phone in my hand.

She kissed my cheek as she gathered everything of Hannah's. She moved the blanket, putting on her shoes, and she picked Hannah up. Veronica covered Peyton back up and started for the door. "She can stay here," I whispered, not wanting to wake them. She shook her head and she bit her lip, her eyes sad.

"This isn't a place where a six year old should be right now, Taylor. You two need to spend some time together. Let us know when the wedding is and we'll be here."

"I'm hoping we can get someone here tomorrow. I just have to get a ring and we'll be set." Veronica slipped her hand off of her finger and she placed it in my hand.

"We'll see you tomorrow then." She walked out of the room, and down the hall. I softly closed the door behind them and I walked over to her bed. I sat down in the chair, staring at the ring inbetween my fingers. I looked up at Peyton's sleeping face. She looked so at peace, and so...weak. I stood up and planted a kiss on her cheek. She didn't stir as I sat back down in the chair.

I laid my head back over the chair, trying to get some form of sleep before the "big" day tomorrow.

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