Ch 18 Rejected mate

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"I can't do that." He said backing away.

I snapped. Letting out some kind of war cry, I jumped on him, fists flying. It was stupid really, to try to attack Cole. I mean, it's Cole Mathews. He is pretty much made out of muscle and let's not forget he could go all wolf on my ass any time he wanted to.

Surprisingly, I lasted a couple of minutes before he pinned my to the wall holding my wrists above my head with only one hand.

"That was fun." He said calmly.

It annoyed the hell out of me. There I was, pinned to the wall breathing like a fat old man, and he hadn't even broken a sweat.

Oh how I hated him.

"Let. Me. Go." I ordered

"Nah, I'm enjoying this position." He said, smirking.

I began struggling even though my attempts at escape were useless. Cole could take me down with his pinky finger, but who said I had to go down without a fight?

"Oh come on baby girl, you are loving this as much as I am." He breathed out huskily.

Baby girl?

Then realization hit me, he wasn't wearing a shirt, or pants. Cole was merely only in boxers, and incredibly close to me right now.

I gulped, involuntarily trailing my eyes up and down his delicious body.

"Like what you see?" He asked leaning in closer.

I blushed, embarrassed that he had caught me checking him out. I averted my eyes to the floor hoping a giant hole would appear and swallow me up.

"Don't be shy..." He mumbled quietly, cupping my face with his free hand.

Then I kicked his shin, hoping that it would give me a chance to run away. And.... It didn't work. He didn't even flinch.

"Shouldn't have done that."

He picked me up and dropped me on the bed, pulling out the handcuffs. I was silent, afraid he would get mad if I protested. I couldn't help but notice how me barely tightened the handcuff and had a sad look on his face while looking at me wrist.

"I'll be back soon, baby girl." He said as he exited the room.

What's with the nickname?

I looked at my hand and the loose handcuff.

Maybe I do have an escape.


Cole's POV

I flew down the stairs- I needed to talk with Ian.

'Ian, I need you in my office right now.' I ordered through our mind link

'Right away, Alpha Mathews.'

I paced back and forth in my office, thinking. The door burst open, revealing a very nervous looking Ian.

"Cole what's wrong?" He asked frantically

"It's Christina." I muttered, still pacing.

"What did you do to her?" He asked accusingly.

I glared at him angrily, and watched as he lowered his head, mumbling an apology.

"I need to tell her," I murmured, staring at the floor now.

"That's great man!" Ian cheered.

I looked up to see a wide grin spread across his face. A similar smile spread across mine when I saw his reaction. I then knew I was making the right choice.

Oh just give up already, Mr. Alpha (Completed)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat