The Plague

46 1 0

Scribe: 21501161

I was greeted by a mass of citizens outside my palace today. Many of which were penurious and miserable, not something I like to see throughout my people. I ask why of the sudden gathering and the Priests have informed me that the city of Thebes is dying due to a horrific plague with an unknown cause. It is leaving the fields and the women barren; a pollution that must be overcome and a responsibility I must take as King as no one is more sorrowful than I about this situation. The innocent people of Thebes do not deserve this.

I believe the people of Thebes will continue to gather outside my palace, asking for assistance as their ruler to help them rid of this plague and save Thebes. I can’t help but pursue their needs, I am the King of Thebes and it is my duty cleanse the city. I am going to send Creon out to summon the blind prophet Tiresias in hopes that I can seek a way to remove this horrid contamination and save my people. I will do whatever is necessary to ensure that my city is relieved of this plague; I will work in the best interest of my people and hope that no one else is overcome by this in the time in which I am doing so. 

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