"Ah, actually, that will pay for my dinner," I replied, bouncing slightly on my feet in excitement.

The masked man sulked off to the side.

"If you prefer," the Hokage nodded, tossing it to me.

My hand moved to catch it, but a purple blur darted in through the window and plucked it from the air before me.

"Hey! Give it back!" I shouted at Shira, chasing after her; she loved shiny things, and coins happened to be very shiny.


There was a weird silence when I finally came to a halt and wrestled the little dragon to the ground, biting her tail to make her give the money bag back.

After I had safely sealed it away, I looked around; the room was trashed.

"Geez, who did that?" I asked, miffed, sitting cross legged while Shira's jaws stayed latched onto my sleeve angrily.



"............Maybe you should assign her an escort, Hokage-sama...." the dark-haired man said.

"I was just thinking of it, actually..." the old man mused. "Kakashi. You're on leave until your ribcage heals properly anyways. Keep Nakurama-san out of trouble while she is in Konoha."

"I don't need an escort..." I pouted, flailing my arm in an attempt to make Shira let go of my sleeve; she ended up just ripping the entire sleeve off. "Shira..." I whimpered, eyes watering. "This was my favorite shirt..."

"So don't take my treasure," she sniffed, fluttering to perch on my head, dropping the sleeve in front of my nose.

"...As you wish, Hokage-sama," the masked guy replied stiffly after a moment.

I wiped my eyes with the fabric and tucked it safely into a pouch to be reattached later.

"You are dismissed, then," the old man said, seeming highly amused.

Kakashi nodded rigidly and turned to the door, glancing at me pointedly.

I blinked at him, then hurriedly got to my feet, earning a nip for unbalancing Shira, and scampered after him, trying to keep my eyes above his waistline (What? All ninja have good butts; you can't argue).

"What kind of food do you want?" he asked once we were out of the building, a book mysteriously appearing in his hand as he fell into a slouch.

"No fish," I shrugged, skipping happily along the road ahead of him. Hopefully he’d leave me be; I thought about finding a nice place to stay at for a while, seeing as how nice the village was.

He saved me (A Kakashi Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now