Chapter 1

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Just to clarify, Surpi is the universe which isn't all happy. Parios is the nicer one.

Also! This is my original book, so I hope you enjoy~! =3 I will also be changing the cover to the one that I'm in the middle of drawing when it is done.

11:40 PM, in Surpi

Ashley was running across the field of grey. Sirens could be heard in the distance. In the darkness of the night, all you could see was a dot of orange amongst the monochrome colors. The sirens grew louder. She grabbed her hatched and pulled apart the spiked metal fence.

"Ow, shit!" Ashley exclaimed.

The fence was electric. The sirens were dying down, since they thought they could just track her. Ashley had pulled off her chip. She crawled through the fence, getting scratched a bit. Ash then repaired it after she went through to leave no tracks. She made her way over to the tree. This tree is the same tree she stared at everyday.

"There's a connection, and I know it. Just have to find it.."

Ashley ran her hand along the tree bark, only to find nothing. She threw her hatchet down in frustration, and slumped against the tree. The bats squeaked in protest. Then everything went silent. No bats, no sirens, no voices. Ash was engulfed in silence.

"No ones coming today."

She was alone again.

Around the same time, in Piaros

Sparrow danced around, giggling. Her and her pet bunny; Flisa, were running around in the grass. The stars lit up the night sky.

"Come here, Flisa."

Sparrow patted the ground next to her, and sat against the tree. Her tree, rather. The bunny hopped in her lap, and they stargazed. However, they weren't just stargazing. They were looking for a sign. Ever since Sparrow was 7, she's felt this certain connection to this tree. No one dared to disturb her in this time of silence. She hugged the tree backwards, gazing up. The air was filled with sounds. The bunny snuggled up against Sparrow for warmth.

"Sevena, where are you?"A voice called out.

"Mom, I told you not to call me that. My name is Sparrow."Sparrow stood up, and walked towards her mother. The bunny trailed behind.

"Well I don't want to call you that. What if someone mistakes you for a delinquent?" Her mother shot back.

"Nothing ever happens in Parios!"Sparrow scoffed.

Her mother began to walk back to their little cabin, and Sparrow walked next to her. Sparrow scooped up her bunny lovingly, and began to run.

"Arion! Arion, are you there?" She called out, still running.

Her mother chuckled behind her, and picked up her pace but still not running. Sparrow reached the front door, and pushed it open. There was a boy cooking what seemed to be breakfast. Sparrow had stayed at the tree all night.

"Arion!" Sparrow smiled and hugged this boy.

"Heya, Sparrow! Missed you, sis."He replied. The brother ruffled Sparrow's hair, and continued cooking.

"What are you cooking today?"Sparrow said, glancing at the pan.

"What do you mean, me? Your helping too. Get over here, we are making crepes."

"Oh, this one is the best to cook."Sparrow grabbed the strawberries, and began to cut them up. They chatted, and came across a question feared to ask:

"Do you think the other universes will come for us?"Sparrow asked, her voice low.

"I told you, there's no other universes."Arion then paused.

"And if there was, we DON'T talk about it here."He glanced at his sister with a stern look.

". . ."Sparrow went silent.

"Breakfast is ready!" Arion called, and they set the table. Strawberry crepes. The family sat down.

"Where's Dad. ." Sparrow asked. As she always did, every meal.

"Dad is still out for work, you know that." Her mother replied with a tired look.

They all went back to eating like it was nothing.

A couple hours before, in Surpi

Ash sat underneath the tree, thinking if the prison would finally let her go this time. Finally let her be free, after all this time. She thought back on how long she's been in that prison.

"Its been 9 years, 9 years. How old am I now?"Ash thought to herself, out loud.

"Im nineteen now. .gosh."She leaned back against the tree, softly humming and cleaning her hatchet. A bird began to chirp, which was unusual for her world. She looked up, seeing a blue bird.

". . .a colourful bird?"Ashley had never seen such a thing before in her life. She reached out to it, and it flew around her. A drop of colour seemed to drop from the tree onto the grass, making one blade green. She stood up, extremely sudden.

"What's happening over there. ."

~~~~Chapter end~~~~


I thought that was okay.


-Fluff <3

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2017 ⏰

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