Chapter One

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When Dean Winchester woke up he had a terrible headache. It was so bad he could barley move. Yet when he looked up he saw a very cute blonde sleeping peacefully beside him. Nice. Dean thought, trying to remember their night but to no avail. He sighed and looked over at the blonde when he noticed the time.

"Shit!" He cried looking over at the clock. 10:30, it's been years since he's slept in that long. It had been so long that Dean didn't even think it ever happened. Taking another glance at the slender peaceful blonde, Dean tapped her shoulder. With a groan the blonde opened her eyes a little. She mumbled something softly, with a voice almost like honey.

"I'm never drinking again." Came the obviously slurred response. Dean chuckled causing the cute blonde to shoot up, clutching her head in her hands the very next second. "Ow!" She cried. Then looking up to where she heard this new voice, the blonde muttered a very quiet, "wow." Dean wasn't surprised. Considering he wasn't wearing a shirt so you could see the abs he works for almost every day on a hunt, and his bright green eye matched perfectly with brown-ish blonde hair, it was a common reaction. Some would go a step further from handsome and see he was the exact definition of pretty.

"I could say the same thing." Dean smirked, giving the young girl a once over. She began to blush but regained compose quickly, grabbing a pillow and waking Dean in the face.

"Not that I don't like talking to attractive men in bed, I have no idea who the hell you are or what the hell I'm doing here." Dean was taken aback. He was startled as he pulled himself up.

"All I know is I got black-out drunk yesterday, and then magic happened." He winked, the blonde began to blush some more. "But I can see you might not want to mention this to someone." A shiny little ring on the blondes finger made Dean begin to believe that she was married, and this might have been a mistake. 'Damn drunk Dean.' He scolded himself. The elder Winchester was proud of his catch, just not with the possibility of breaking up a marriage.

"What?" She muttered, then followed his gaze, noticing the ring on her ring finger. "Holy shit!" She cried and starred at it. "When did I get this?" She muttered then looked up to the handsome man confusingly starring at her. The young woman started looking at his hands and then noticed something startling. Dean followed her gaze as she did to him and saw a similar ring on his own left hand.

"Son of a bitch!" Dean cried. "Since when was I-" He paused and looked at the practically naked blonde. "Did we?"

"For both of our sakes I hope we didn't." With that, the two glanced over at the night stand to a piece of paper-a marriage certificate.


Buffy's heart stopped. Sitting there, on the table, was nothing other than a marriage certificate, with her name on it. Buffy Summers, Dean Winchester. It said. 'Not the worst pick...' Buffy shamelessly thought, then felt the heat rush to her cheeks right after.

"You alright princess?" The very attractive man asked, startling Buffy and sending her back to reality.

"Are you Dean Winchester?" Buffy asked looking in the direction of the green-eyed man.

"And how would you know that?" This caused Buffy to roll her eyes.

"I can read, dumbass." She sighed. "I guess we're married. I'm Buffy." She gazed at Dean's face seeing him start to smirk.

"Well Buffy, you know my name, and we're married, so wouldn't it make sense to have some hot newly wed sex?" Dean smirked, winked, and waited for her response. Usually Buffy would have punched any man who would say that, but this marked a special occasion. 'What the hell, we might as well have sex. Who knows? Tomorrow we might be divorced.' Buffy started to smile.

"Well why the hell not?" And the night started to replay all over again.


This time when they pulled apart, Buffy starred at this mysterious man who she didn't know the name of an hour ago, and has presumably been married to for about six hours, might be the man she settles down with. He glanced back up at her with a smile and winked.

"So princess, what do we do now?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2018 ⏰

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