The binder

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I walked down the dark corridor, small lights flickering as I stepped. I kept my head down as I saw some hands reach towards me through bars on the other side of the room. The right side of me, cells lined the musty walls. Inside if them, various different people stood inside of them. Some sneered at me, others looked at me with pleading eyes, reaching out towards my direction, screeching words of regret and sorrow. "Don't talk to them please Mx." someones cool voice said over my shoulder. I jumped a bit as I saw a tall woman place her hand on my shoulder, leading my down the hallway. I gulped down my fear, reassuring myself that it was just a security guard. I looked down again, my whole body shivering. I knew all of these people. Soon we reached the end of the hallway, and a tall blue door stood in front of us. The security guard silently placed her finger on a small pad connected the door. I heard a little beeping sound as the guard winced. I looked up to her worried, "Did that thing...just..hurt you?" I ask shakily. The guard nodded, "Only a little darling. Just a prick. It hurts to enter the Binder." So that's the name of this sector. I wondered how many people were kept here as the guard opened the door, guiding me into the room. It wasn't as big as I thought it was, but it still had that sense of hollowness. I looked around slowly, the blank gray walls looming around me. The room was shaped as a pentagon, very minimal lights and no windows at all. I don't even think this could be called a room. Right in the center if the Binder was a small cage in the middle of the room. It didn't have bars like the other cells, just thick glass, shaped in a test tube sort of shape. I stopped quietly a few feet away from the cell, as I spotted a young woman in the cage sitting on the floor, hands sliding down the walls. I couldn't tell at first but she was making a weird noise, and a smile masked her face. The guard walked past me knocked on the cell wall. The woman didn't look up but kept making that weird noise. Suddenly she just started outright laughing manically, her insane bloodshot eyes staring at the guard. "Hahaa! Ah, what pleasure do I have to see someone today! What a lovely day to see them too." She stood up and scraped at the plastic with her hands, pounding on what would be the guards face. "Be quiet you little shit." The guard mumbled. "Already with the insults?" She said happily staring at the guard with her terrible eyes. I stepped away from the cage. "Oh cut me some slack big guy! Don't I get enough shit?" She said in a babyish voice, her lips drooping into a pouty face. I started to get really scared as she started laughing again. "We're only here to make sure your secure." The guard said, pressing in some numbers on a touch pad on the other side of the cage. "Then what's with the little friend of yours? Can I play with it?" The prisoner said happily looking over at me. I jump back and don't make eye contact with her. She smiles devilishly and turns back to the guard. "No, he's just here to see the woman who hurt him so much." The guard said. "Some sort of justice? Haha, you are petty aren't all of you? I'll be back. You know that! This stupid Binder can't hold me forever." She says slamming herself against the cage, trying to get a better look at me. The guard walked over and pressed a bottom on the cage. A shock went through the cage as the prisoner screeched. She feel to ground, laughing. "Don't take to much to her words. This is Dysphoria. A very well known criminal as you know. Since she had hurt you and a lot if your close friends-" "I wasn't hurting them! I was HELPING THEMMMM! I was reminding them that they were different! And that they'll never be who the want to be. Honestly, I'm doing them good, telling em that even though they think they know who they are, they'll never truly be it." She said happily, pondering on the floor of her cell. My heart raced as I stepped forward. "That's not how that works. Your doing no good Dysphoria." I snapped. "Ah! She talks!" She said excitedly, clapping her hands. "He..." I mumbled, clenching my fist. "Haha..keep tryin to convince yourself babe. I'll always be back to hurt ya! And you know that!!" She sneered. The guard stood aside, looking solemnly at the cage. "No. No your not gonna hurt me or anyone else again. The Binder will keep you here. This place is secure. You'll never escape this place." I said definitely, stepping closer to the cage. She laughed, rolling around in her cage. "HAHAhahaha you stupid fucks! You rely to much on the Binder. They place can't keep me forever. And you know why." She said smiling at me with her crooked teeth. She placed her hand the plastic. "Cuz it hurts doesn't. It hurts. And that's what I'm best at baby!! Containing me means hurting, and y'all can keep hurting like that ya let me free. That how I get around babe. And you can't stop it!!" She said standing up and slamming in the glass, giggling. I pounded against her cage, "Shut up! Your a monster!!" I yell. "Thank you! That's the best thing I've been called all day!" Dysphoria grinned. I felt tears roll down my cheeks as she pretends to wipe them off from the other side of the plastic. "ah babe. Your weak." "Your weak." I grumble back. She laughs again and sits up, pacing around her small cage. "I know how to defeat you." "A lot of people do." She says, her voice quivering. "Top surgery and Bottom surgery are a places you can never reach. Once your their, you have to move on. You can't continue to harass them. "Ah babe. You think to much of your ridiculous solutions. Yes it's true. Surgery can definitely stop me. But I'll still be there, at least a little bit if me. Echoing in their thoughts, ringing through their ears. Plus, do you know how hard it is to get that stuff?! In your dreams fucker!!" She laughs. I look down and back away. I sigh as she smiles, "I'll take the pain. I can take the pain of the Binder." She looks up and frowns at me, and then flops down on the floor of her cell. "Y'all sticklers will do anything to stop me won't ya? Oh jeez. What ever. I'll still be there no matter how hard you try." She says looking at me without her normal smile. "Oh shut up you freak." I smile and look at her. "As long as these walls are here I can at least contain you for a while. Plus, unlike you say, I'm still myself no matter how much you try. Everyone's still their self." "How!? With the wrong body!? How can you EVER feel right!?!?" She cries, pounding on the cage. The guard goes over closer to the cage, pressing some buttons. "STOP WITH THAT!!! YOU'LL NEVER BE YOURSELF!!!" She screams reaching towards me. I just smile and said, "I was already myself you fuck." And I slowly walked out of the Binder, Dysphoria screaming at me as I walked out happily. She couldn't control me. I was me. No matter how much she tries to convince me that I'm not.

I wrote this awhile ago so it's really shitty, sorry 😅, But I hope you enjoyed it regardless. If you want to read a better transgender book, go read my other story called Alice.

Anyway just remember:

You are you no matter what your body says. ❤️❤️❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2017 ⏰

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