Starting Line

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"Man, I hate written tests. I know what I want to say but just trying to put it into words is just so much harder than it should be." A boy with long unkempt hair sighed out. Most of it was tied back into a pony tail, the end reaching his lower back, but there was still some strands that framed his face a bit. He was dressed in loose-fitting cargo pants, black boots, and a gray tank top, hands in his pockets and walking along side another male and female.

- Zackery Asahi. Quick: Flame-

"You said it. But hey, I'm sure we all passed. All we got to do now is the practical exam." Replied the short female, patting Zackery on the back. Her hair was much shorter, the longest strand just past her ear, but it just as unkempt and looked more like bed hair. There was a pink flower on the side of her head and she had what looked like green nubs on the side of her neck. She wore a trench coat, the pockets looking a little stuffed, blue jeans and matching combat boots.

- Kodo Hayashi. Quick: Flower-

"Maybe you two should read more." The tallest of the three chimed in. He had what most would call a rat-tail for a hair style, and his hair seemed to be the most tamed out of the three, strands framing the side of his face and mostly covering the right side of it. Despite looking the oldest, he was actually the youngest, guess stubble on the chin can really age a person up. He wore a pair of leather gloves, a dark blue denim jacket, a white T, and just a plain pair of pants and matching boots as the others. "Don't you think you're a little too ready for this Kodo?" He asked, eyeing at the girl's overly stuffed pockets.

- Tachi Adachi. Quick: Power Slash-

"Better to be safe than sorry." She said, shrugging softly. She then squeaked as Zackery wrapped an arm over her shoulder, same with Tachi, and pulled them him closer, a bright smile on his face. Kodo chuckled and smiled back, while Tachi sighed softly and ruffled Zackery's hair a bit. "As long as we stick together, I'm sure we can handle whatever they throw at us."

"I'll be sure to bring the heat." Zackery exclaimed, pumping his fists into the air before letting out a startled sound as both of his friends lightly smacked him.

"Seriously? It's too early for this hun." Kodo sighed but her smile didn't leave. Stuffing her hands into her pockets, she sighed softly, silently counting how many seeds she stuffed into them. Blast seeds in one pocket, and leech seeds in the other. 20 each, that should hopefully be enough to get her the points that she need. Normally, she would just rely on her quirk and hand to hand skills, but these were robots, so that made things a lot harder since they wouldn't be effected by her spore attacks and the metal would be too strong for her leaves.

"GO!!!" Shouted a voice from above. Everyone grew a little confused before Present Mic explained that in a real fight, there are no count downs, which is very true but still. Quickly, everyone, except for a green haired boy, bolted, having only 10 minutes to accumulate the points needed.

"Alright boys, let's get to some high ground quickly, that should make it easier to find the robots. This area is too large for us to search on the ground with the amount of time we have. If you find a robot, go for it and then return to the group, if any of us spot a group of robots, tell the others." Kodo explained, while a pair of vines sprouted from the sides of her neck, allowing her to easily and quickly climb a building and make it to the roof top, carrying Zackery as well while Tachi scaled the wall himself.

As the minutes ticked by, the trio found and defeated robot after robot, Zackery unleashing his flames and torching them, Tachi smashing the hard metal and breaking them apart with his fists and rapid kicks, and Kodo throwing out her blast seeds to create some small fiery explosions or tying them up with her leech seeds. When the ground shook, they all paused before bringing their attention to the giant, pointless robot that just loomed over everything. Was this really necessary?

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