Cant stay out to trouble

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It had been a few days since the intruders invaded rain clan camp and you never would of know exept for snow fang who paced around the nursery sometimes peering into the den to make sure the kits were safe. Snow fang ran to sit next to thorn as three kits ran out of the den, one of them was honey paw who was thorns kit, dust kit who was holly hearts kit and also the mother of silver kit and the much older Snow Fang, than there was silver kit. She stumbled out of the den, she got into a fight with who the clan now knew as Night shade who clawed her eyes now making her blind, a long scar ran across her eyes.

"Morning bro." Dust kit greeted snow fang as he pounced on honey kit who knocked him off just by standing up. Snow fang and thorn purred in amusement

"Morning silver, how are your eyes, do they still sting?" Thorn asked. Thorn was just as conserned with silver kit as Snow fang but his worrys were a lot darker.

"Would she even be able to be an apprentice?" He asked himself darkly. Thorn shook his head to clear it of the grim thoughts than he stood there astonished. Dust kit went to pounce on silver kit, he leped up but silver spun around out of dust kits reach and he crashed into the dirt. Than honey and silver kit erupted with laughter and thorn and snow fang were struggling to keep there composer.

"How did you know about your brothers ambush?" Thorn asked in amazement.

"Easy I could smell him, and I could hear and feel the ground shake so I put the pieces together." Silver answered simply. Thorn now push his grim thoughts away for good for she proved she is fit to be an apprentice.

"Well, very good I was afraid you wouldn't be able to be an apprentice." Jay star spoke from behind them.

"You had worries?!" Silver laughed. 

"At some points yes, but now i think you are ready. you'll be an apprentice after super." Jay star mewed expressionless. 

"What about me and honey kit?" Dust kit asked, "ya aren't we fit to be apprentices?" Honey kit added. Jay star nodded. 

"Very well Dust kit you may." Dust kits face was puzzled, not exited.

"I'm here too you know i'm six moons too!" Honey kit spoke angrily. Jay star let out a snarl but honey kit didn't even flinch. She stood up and lifted up her chin high. 

"Jay star listen to me, you cant not make honey kit and apprentice, you cant judge honey kit because of me." Thorn hissed expecting to get Pounced on , run out of camp or a bit of both but she didn't.

"How dare you take that tone with me after I let you back into camp, this thing is not my problem YOU made that.. that MISTAKE !" Jay star spat unsheatheing her claws.

"Jay star, remember the kit cant choose who they are bourne to its not her falt." The deputy, panther heart reminded calmly.

"Fine," Jay star sighed her gaze still fixed on honey kit who looked back bravely.

"Your bravery is matched with your stupidity." Jay star sneered. Honey kit bristled her fur angrily back and opened her mouth to shoot back a comment but thorn shot his kit a glance and she didn't speak. 

"And ill be her mentor it its possible." Panther heart added ignoring Jay star. Jay star sat there wide eyed at the fact he volunteered but just nodded her head. Thorn shot a look of happiness and shock at his old friends offer. Poppy wing walked by and Jay star flicked her tail signaling her over.

"Poppy wing you will be the mentor of Silver kit." Jay star announced. Poppy wing was a slender brown she cat with huge dark blue eyes and gray markings on her shoulders that make her look like she had a set of wings. Poppy wing was a patient and gentle cat, the best qualities for a mentor.

"Y.. yes..." she stuttered, than she cleared her throat .

"Yes I would love to, I love a good challenge and i would be delighted!" She spoke more confidently.

"Snow fang you will mentor Dust kit, all of you eat the meeting will be after supper." Jay star ordered.than all the cats went to the fresh kill pile exept for thorn and panther heart.

"thank you for volunteering to mentor my kit, it must of been hard to say out loud." Thorns said in his normal somber voice.

"Thorn, It wasn't hard at all.. I am happy to be honey kits mentor." Panther heart said simply.thorn was amazed at how panther hearts tone was so stern to the clan but so calm to thorn.

" I missed you ever since you left, why did you leave?" Panther heart asked curious why his friend left five moons ago.

"I had to leave, if honey was raised by sand heart than she would turn out as a strong loyal warrior not a weak coward like me. Than besides everyone hated me." Thorn said grimily.

"That's not true you were strong and brave, I mean you fought agents Night shade who is twice your size! And not everyone hates you I don't hate you nither did sand heart or snow fang or honey kit and that's what matters!" Panther heart protested shocked that his friend had such tunnel vision.

"Lets go and eat I'm starving." Thorn changed the subject even though he knew his friend was right. The friends gulped up there vole and sparrow so fast snow fang teased if they even chewed! Than Jay star hopped on the high branch that hung over the leaders den and Panther joined her sitting on a lower branch and Jay star spoke the age old call,

"let all cats old enough to swim gather to hear my words!" Than all of rain clan gathered around the great Willow tree and looked up at the leader.

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