1: Her Life

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The footsteps got closer, as did the tremors




The sounds got louder as the figure came closer. It frightened Carter. She tried her best to hide under the desks in the classroom, but it didn't work.

He saw her.

"Carter I know you're in there." The intruder said with mischievous eyes searching the science class. His green orbs landed on one's of the desks as a shoe was sticking out in the open.

"Maxwell!" Carter yelled as he reached down the tiny classroom and grabbed her by the leg. He dragged her out and wrapped his giant fingers around her small slender body. He brought her up to his face as he smirked. Carter trembled as he whispered.

"Found you."


Carter Harrison woke up screaming. She looked around and realization hit her as she sat on her bed.

"It was just a dream." She told herself as she got out of bed to change. She was still a little shaky from the nightmare she had, but it was just silly at the same time. Max Aguilera.....the famous guitarist/vocalist in the band MousePratt?  Giant? Didn't make sense. Just you being stupid for believing it.
She told herself.

The only thing wrong with this was that she had been having this same nightmare repeatedly this month. It just got worst everytime. Time to get to school.

Carter walked downstairs as she was met by her family. Her older sister Bree tried to hog the bathroom to apply makeup with successnot letting anyone use the restroom. Carter wasn't one to apply makeup anyway, or need to pee.

She walked into the kitchen to see the rest of the family eating Eggo Waffles. Her father Jim with the morning newspaper while trying to calculate the bills, her twin sisters Mia and Cassandra having a waffle eating contest with her brother Matthew and baby sister Sierra eating a waffle messily on the table. Her oldest brother Lucas walked downstairs just in time. Seven kids in one household.

"Morning Sweetheart." Her father told her, coughing a little. "Morning Dad." She said as he kissed her on the cheek. Carter looked down to see there were twice as much bills as there were before. Her lips curved down.

"Dad are you sure you don't need help? There are more bills now." Carter pointed out.

"No thanks sweetheart, got it under control." He said smiling at her as he stacked the bills back in order. "But-"
"What I want you to do is raise those grades up, D+? Whats happening Carter?"

Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. D-? She had B's and A's. "Dad what are you talking about? I have A's." "But it says here..." He trailed off realizing the situation. "Oops. Sorry wrong child. Thank you Carter for wonderful grades." He said coughing a sickly cough.

She opened up her mouth to says her father was overwhelmed, but sighed in defeat knowing her father wasn't going to change his mind at the moment. Sometimes he was so stressed, he forgot the name of his children. Carter loved her father, but ever since her mother passed away, her father has been a wreck. He just wouldn't admit it. He tried to smile like nothing was wrong, but it was evident he needed help.

Sierra got out of the chair as her tiny four-year old legs carried her over to Carter. "Guess what Cart? I'm wearing my bloo undies today!"

Carter laughed and picked up her sister. "Try not to say that in front of people ok?" Her sister nodded as Carter set her down and she wobbled away.

"Dad, are we still having the family photo tonight?" Lucas said grabbing two waffles and putting them in the toaster.

"Yes, it's very important that you don't skip this. It's just a wonderful memory to treasure." Jim said with his eyes seeming to hold back tears. Jim was hiding something from his kids, and Lucas and Carter were suspicious. 

"But Dad I need to see Nicole at the mall! Jason is going to be there." Bree said as she looked outside the bathroom door into the kitchen. "Tonight is my soccer match at Wembly middle school dad!" Matt yelled excitedly. "And after that is our school play for Beauty and the Beast at 7:30!" Mia and Cassandra said at the same time. "I need to tell my frieds about my bloo undies." Sierra giggled.

Having seven kids is not easy.

"Well Bree arrange it for another time, unless you can go at 4:00 but meet us at 5:30." There was a small pout from Bree, but then she nodded. Jim continued. "The photo ends at 5:50 at the most and Matt's game is at 6:15. Then we can go to the Beauty and the Beast play. Sierra your friend Gretchen will be there so you can tell her about your news ok sweetie." Jim finished as he started to tickle Sierra.

"Dad?" Carter asked. "Yes Carter?" "Can Charlotte come with us to Matt's game and the Beauty and the Beast play?" "Sure, I don't see why not." The family suddenly seemed calmer about it. Charlotte was Carter's best friend since kindergarten. Charlotte was like another sister to the family. Carter blushed in thought of her going to spend time with her despite seeing her often. She couldn't help smiling at the thoughts of her.

Carter said bye to the family as she head for the bus stop. The bus arrived and Charlotte met up with her there.


"Charlie, I don't know how you are so into those boys."

Charlotte was pointing at the boys around the school that were the cutest. She pointed at one's specific group near the cool kids table. Jocks. At this school all they talked about was boobs. Sure they were cute, but they had bad news written all over them.

"They're just heartbreakers Charlie." Carter mumbled.
"We are picking cute guys right? Besides, those jocks wouldn't compare to these boys." Charlie said as she got out a poster from her backpack.

For Carter's luck, it had to be MousePratt. Of coarse the girls would swoon over these guys. They had charm. She didn't blame them, Carter herself saw the charismatic traits they feigned, but she wasn't a fan. If anything, the closest one to being cute for her to fawn over is Leia Mo'nou, their sweet freckled drummer.

Charlie saw Carter roll her eyes and sassly puts her hand on her hips. "Hey you just haven't heard them ok? You don't give them a chance." Carter looked at Charlie as if she had said something dumb. "Charlie, of coarse I've heared them. You puts on the songs 'Billebong' and 'Sea Witch' everyday!"

"Hey! The song for your information is called 'Billabong Parade'! "
"Whatever." Carter said as she looked at the poster. One boy had caught her attention. Max.

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