5: Found

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"I can't believe it! I don't want you to go!" Charotte yelled, making Carter even more heartbroken. She felt horrible she had to be separated from her family members, leave her best friend, be sent who knows where. No matter how strong she had to stay for her family and friends, she couldn't take it. She hated it all.

She spent all weekend in her bedroom crying with her sisters while Jim was fixing paperwork. Lucas was so pissed he locked himself in his room.

They only had one more month together as a family before they got sent off to different foster cares. 

Now Carter and Charlotte were walking together alone through the woods. It was the longer way home, but as long as it gave Carter more time to explain.

Charlie already had tears running down her cheeks and her arms embraced Carter. 

"You guys...you guys were an amazing family! I wouldn't have ever known. I thought you were joking Carter." Charlie said as she wiped some tears off her face. Carter's heart dropped.

"I knew something was up with my dad, I didn't expect this at all honestly." Carter spoke after a few moments of silence. Her hands intertwined, secretly longing to hold Charlotte's instead. She couldn't say it, she felt flushed.

Charlotte looked up at Carter and shared a small shaky smile. "Cart, we've made so many memories together." She sighed. After a few more seconds she continued. "I hate this. I don't want you to go. You are my best friend!"

Carter sighed. "Lets not make this harder than it already is. If there was a way to change all this, I would take it in a heartbeat. Unless that were to happen, we can't change this anymore. There's nothing we can do. We need to accept this." Carter spoke softly under her breath. As much as she hated this, Carter knew deep inside she couldn't change anything.

Charlotte stared at Carter in disbelief. "How could you accept this? Why are you giving up so easily!" she yelled. Carter looked at her in shock. Knowing how rebelious Charlie was, she should have seen this coming. 

Her blonde hair whipped around as her face twisted in frustration. "No! I can't believe you are giving up! I can't lose you, my best friend." Charlotte yelled in the forest. Her eyes were red at this point.

"I..." Carter was at a loss for words. She regained her voice and spoke. "Charlie, you know I can't do anything about this! I'm trapped. My father obviously can't support us. And what's the chance of all seven kids being adopted together? Hard enough getting two kids together, let alone seven! Don't you get it Char? It's over!" she screamed.

Both were silent. No one spoke another word....the silence getting the best of everyone. Charlotte took a step back before clearing her throat. 

"Call me when you get your shit together Sawyer." Was the last words she said before Charlotte stormed out of the woods. 

When Charlotte called Carter by her middle name, that meant she was either serious or passionate. The comment took her back.

After a few minutes knowing Charlotte was long gone, Carter screamed.

She screamed to the air 'till she needed to breathe again. She couldn't take it, she was loosing her mind. She couldn't even admit her stupid little crush.

Carter Sawyer Harrison was going insane. It only took her three days. Three days of complete meltdown, her great wonderful life falling apart. 

She screamed and kicked until she had no more energy. Carter finally fell after a while exhausted.

She was tired of the world. She has dealt with many problems being broken bones, school drama, and other crazy life problems. Even looking into Charlotte's eyes without confessing her love killed her internally. This time, she won't have her family by her side. 

Carter knew she had to be strong, but she also had her time to cry too. 

An hour later Carter is still in the woods sitting on a rock hugging her knees. Its noon, the sun is going down slower than molasses. The sky is taking in a darker shade of blue and violet. The red is equal to the sun going down with it. Carter loves the peace in the woods. Society was nowhere she could see. The tall trees are her shade from the last heat of the sun. So beautiful. She thought to herself.

Suddenly her phone rings, interrupting the silence she basked in with her thoughts. She grabs the phone and checks caller ID. Lucas.

She answers the phone getting an angry brother on the other line. "Where are you Carter?"

"I just need some time to myself." she said in the phone. "No worries Lucas. I'm fine."

"Just come back home soon sis. The sun is already going down." And with that, he hung up. Carter sighed. She tossed her phone behind her and sat up. 

That second was when she felt the ground under her shake. She was caught off guard by the sudden tremor.

Must be an earthquake. Carter thought as she got up from her spot, not before the next shake made her fall back on her bum.

The tremors continued, but it wasn't normal. These weren't natural at all. It just seemed off to Carter. The sudden memory hit her.




"It can't be..." Carter said as the quakes got shakier, the sound of footsteps growing closer.

She shut her eyes scared of what would happen next. Even if it wasn't what she feared it might be...she was still frightened by what would be the outcome. "It's not real Carter....that was just a weird dream..."

Then the stomps stopped all together.

She opened her eyes and looked in front of her only to find nothing. The trees leaves fell from behind her. She turned around.

Her face paled with her icey blue eyes widening at the familiar face. His malicious smile proved her fear. 

"Found you."




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