The working things out part was not easy for me to say, but I knew it's what I should say right now, so I did.

"Listen Chris I know you are just trying to be a good friend but I can't make any promises, I am hurt by the whole thing, and I don't know if I can forgive him. I will have to sleep on it."

"Well Sisi, that's a fair enough answer and I won't push you on this, it's still your life and your decision, just know that I am here for you and will support you in any way I can."

"You being you; is support enough, but speaking of sleeping on things, I am getting a bit tired, do you mind taking me home?"

"Of course I don't mind, let me grab my keys and I will meet you at the door ok?"

"Sounds pretty good to me."

We sang to a song I had playing in the car; I had not even known she knew the words, and she was a very decent singer too. We laughed and talked on the drive home and I really enjoyed myself.

After dropping Simone off, I walked her to the elevator in her building, we hugged and I headed back to my car. I had been noticing this car with dark tints recently but I had not said anything to her, didn't want her worrying but as I pulled off, I made sure to pause and right down the license plate number, something seemed off about this car.

I had another fraternity brother who was a detective; I would have him run the plates for me to see if anything important comes up.

As soon as I got in the house my cell phone rang, I knew it couldn't be Simone, but I wasn't sure, maybe something happened and she was calling me. I answered without checking the id.


"Why hello stranger, I was wondering if you had fallen off the map or something, had not heard from you in a couple of days and you were suppose to make it up to me, you're not doing a very good job."

There was a long pause on the phone as I realized who I was speaking to and was kicking myself for not checking my id first; I took a few deep breaths trying to come up with something to say. I couldn't tell her that I blew her off to spend time with my best friend who I happened to be in love with.

"Hello, Chris? Are you still there?"

"Yes, I am Lily and I am so sorry for not calling you sooner, I had a few personal stuff come up and didn't have much time. I am so sorry for not calling you though." I really didn't want to hurt this young lady, she was really great.

I checked my watch and saw it was now 6:15 pm and I was a bit tired, but I wasn't going to blow Lily off again.

"Well I know life can get in the way at times, so I understand."

"Thanks for your patience and understanding, your amazing do you know that?" I heard her laugh before she replied.

"Flattery will get you everywhere. But I want to know if you're still interested in making it up to me?"

I was a little scared to ask but I did owe her so I would listen and see what she had in mind, "Sure" I said a little skeptically.

She laughed again, "don't worry Chris I won't have you pulling your nails out with a pliers or anything like that. My friend writes poetry and she has a few readings tonight, I wanted to know if you weren't too busy would you like to join me."

"Oh that sounds pretty cool, what time are we talking?"

"It will start at 9 sharp."

"That is definitely doable my dear, would you like me to come pick you up?"

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