All the pain started at my scars. When the edge of the pain lessened I could breathe in pants.

“Back away.” The order shot through the group like fire. I hadn’t notice the group surround me until they were all backing away from me. “What’s going on here?” Chris kept his distance. I couldn’t think about his reasons or intentions as he stared at me. I could only think about the pain.

“Is she losing it?” Tommy asked, and received yet another hit to the back of his head.

Oddly, that made me smile. Tommy really didn’t have any social skills. It would amaze me if he could ever even get a real girlfriend.

“If she were losing it she’d already be shifting.” Chris muttered.

The pain curbed off a bit. The relief from the pain allowed me to take a deep breath. My breathing slowly returned to normal. I hadn’t had any real sensation in the damaged area and the area surrounding it since the attack. I didn’t ever think that I’d have to worry about that pain coming back with a vengeance.

Chris kicked my shoe on my good leg. “What’s wrong with you?”

The jostle made me hiss as pain shot through my entire leg again.

“My leg.” I said between clenched teeth.

“What’s wrong with it?” Chris crouched down and looked over my straightened leg.

“I don’t know.” I whined.

When he touched the damaged section of my leg I saw stars. Literally. My vision speckled with dark stars. All I could do was freeze.

When he ran his fingers over the scars, I’d had enough…or at least my wolf had enough.

I smacked his forearm as hard as I could manage. “Don’t, fucking, touch it.” I growled.

Chris’ eyes narrowed on me. “Don’t start thinking you can give out orders just because you’re in pain.”

“Well don’t think you’re a doctor because you can give orders.” I shot back.

“There’s nothing wrong with your leg.” He muttered as he stood up. “Nothing.”

“Well then I guess that takes away the pain then doesn’t it?” I said sarcastically.

I moved my foot around, forcing the muscles to unclench and relax. I could see my thigh pulsing around the injury site.

“What happened?” Robbie asked taking a step forward.

His forward progress was hindered by Chris who shot him a look over his shoulder.

“I don’t know.” I muttered trying to sit up. I couldn’t bend my hip enough to sit up correctly, so my good side had to compensate for it.

Chris looked back at the group, “Go spar in the gym.” Chris ordered to the group, most of which immediately started going towards the compound.

“Can I stay?” Robbie asked quietly. “I can help.”

Chris shook his head, “I’ve got help coming. Go with your group.”

Robbie nodded once to his superior, turned around and followed the group.

“So what was that?” Chris asked once they were all gone.

“How many times do I have to say I don’t know before you’ll listen?” I growled out. I didn’t need to be asked the same question 20 times. The answer would always be the same.

“You shouldn’t be so snippy; I’m just trying to help.” He muttered as he looked off in the distance.

I brought my good leg under me and forced myself up. I wobbled a bit. I took Chris’ outstretched arm just because I knew if I landed on my bad side the sharp stabbing pain would come back again.

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