“What do you think she meant by that?” Christina asks.

“Maybe something happened…” Amy sighed.

“We should text Callie and ask her.” Lauren suggested.

“Can't she is still at that 6 month retreat with her family for another month” Katherine interjects.

“Plus i've already tried to talk to her, her phones off” Lisa sighs.

“Well lets save Aurora’s new phone number.” I look the number from Katherine. We all saved the number before sitting down for lunch with the family.

*Time Skip*

“Hey Lauren” I greeted her as i slid into bed.

“Hey fatso” She greeted back. Plugging into my headphones i pull out my phone and ponder what to do. After scrolling through Twitter, and Instagram i remember i have Aurora’s new phone number.

‘Hey Aurora!’ - Dani

‘Whos this?’ - Aurora

‘Its Dani’ - Dani

‘Oh Hey! How'd you get my number?’ - Aurora

‘You're cousin Olivia gave it to us’ - Dani

‘Oh cool, Whatcha need?’ - Aurora

‘I was just wondering if you'd like to hang out with us tomorrow’ - Dani

‘I wish i could but tomorrows the last day my friends day here.’ - Aurora

‘She can come too!’ - Dani

‘Awesome, what do you want to do?’ - Aurora

‘Bonfire at the beach?’ - Dani

‘Sure! Will we be swimming’ - Aurora

‘Duh! Its the beach’ - Dani

‘Of course lol’ - Aurora

‘So what's your friends name?’ - Dani

‘Oh right her names Jenny but prefers Jen’ - Aurora

‘Is she fan? She looked a little starstruck earlier’ - Dani

‘Haha yeah i actually forgot it was so funny’ - Aurora

‘I know what you mean. I'm not used to seeing starstruck fans yet.’ - Dani

‘Hey i got to go’ - Aurora

‘Oh ok see ya tomorrow’ - Dani

‘Bye’ - Aurora

‘bye’ - Dani

I looked up from my phone to see Lisa walking into the room.

“Hey Lisa” I called to her.

“Yeah Dan?” She looks at me.

“I invited Aurora to a bonfire tomorrow at the beach can we do it?” I told her.

“Yeah sure! i'll let the others know!” She smiled running out of the room.

“So you were texting Aurora?” I jumped at the sound of Lauren's voice coming from above.

“Jeez you scared me!” I put my hand over my heart.

“Sorry, but you were texting Aurora?” She said looking over the railing.

“Yup, i found out who that girl was” I smiled.

“Ooh really?” Lauren asked.

“Yup her names Jenny or Jen for short and shes Aurora’s friend.” I stated.

“I know she was her friend, you'd have to be blind not to see they were friends” She laughed.

“Just making sure!” I joined in laughing.

“Alright weenies time for bed.” Lisa walked back in.

“Aye, Aye captain.” I smirked before covering up in my blanket.

“Night!” Lauren yelled out.

“Love ya’ll!” Lisa turned off the lights.

“Love you too.” I yawned falling asleep.


 Sorry these chapters are so short but i didn't know what to write! FYI you are in for a surprise next chapter... not a very happy surprise at that either... BUT yay for early update!!

QotU: If you could go back in time to change one thing what would it be?

My Answer: I would tell my younger self to either stay at the party on January 16 or spend the entire day with my grandma, seeing as that was the night i witnessed her pass away after going to bed in a room i shared with her at the time after attending a party with my family other than my grandparents.

Quote of the Update: 'Sometimes you must hurt in order to know, fall in order to grow, lose in order to gain, because most of life's greatest lessons are learned through pain.' - Unknown

Anyways, have a great week!!

Next Update: June 13th 2014


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