Celeste pulled away with a soft smile, she took her thumb and pulled it across his bottom lip, then bent down to throw an extra ingredient in the potion before saying "how about we go see who's won the match?" He understood what she was asking, the truth behind her words was that she wanted to be seen together in public, something they had not ventured to do since the library.

"I think by now we both know who's won" Draco smirked slightly and Celeste saw the ghost of the boy she once knew, she would do anything to get him back.

It was without thought of consequence that Draco took her hand firmly in his and strode to the door, they walked down the stairs and the closer they got to the ground floor the clearer the celebratory cheers could be heard "GRYFFINDOR GRYFFINDOR GRYFFINDOR" was being bellowed by several people when they reached the second floor, and was positively deafening when they reached the Entrance Hall.

"I think Gryffindor won, don't you?" Draco had to lean into her ear as the victory cheers were too loud to hear anything else.

"Yes I think it's safe to assume that"

"Draco?! Mate! Where the bloody hell were you? We got ruined out there! You're supposed to be sick!" Draco's replacement as Seeker was obviously pissed, his face had gone slightly red and his fists were balled, his dull eyes hadn't even noticed Celeste or her fingers that were locked with Draco's.

Draco brought himself up to his full height and stepped closer as an attempt at intimidation, which was clearly working "none of your damn business, Harper" he spat the last word as if it disgusted him to say it, there were some Slytherins that he called friends, there were others who he called nuisances.

The Seeker looked tempted to say something, his lips parted but then cemented themselves together again, Draco clutched Celeste's hand tighter and started to pull her through the crowd until they were in a less populated part of the castle "maybe we should have stayed upstairs..." just as she had said that, Pansy Parkinson, Theo Nott, Blaise Zabini, Crabbe and Goyle came around the corner, the two thuggish boys (Crabbe and Goyle) were lingering behind the other three, clearly they weren't really friends with them but they had obviously tagged along for a reason, Celeste could only surmise that they were trying to find Draco and report to him all that had happened. Celeste immediately thought that it was worth coming downstairs just to see Pansy's reaction.

Parkinson, Nott and Zabini were the first to see the pair, Crabbe and Goyle almost bumped into them before they noticed what they had stopped to stare at "what are you doing with her?" Pansy said before any of the others could say a word.

"Well I thought it was quite obvious" he replied, gripping Celeste's hand tighter.

"Obvious? Obvious!" She shrieked, causing her two friends to take large steps away from her "she is a filthy, dirty, skanky little half-bl-"

Draco had pulled out his wand before she could finish, but before any spell could slip from between his lips, Celeste jumped at his outstretched arm and tried to tug it down "don't! They're your friends"

"They're not if they've got a problem" he said sternly.

Pansy looked like a mix between heartbroken and furious, the sight of her was rather pathetic and Celeste couldn't help but feel sorry for her "fine! If you want to waste your time snogging that slut, then have at it! See if I care! But what do you think you-know-who would do if he could see one of his most trusted Death Eaters sucking face with one of Harry Potters most trusted friends?" And with that she turned and sulked away.

Draco lowered his wand and cast his sharp gaze over his four remaining friends "anyone else got a problem they'd like to share?"

Zabini only shook his head and walked away, Nott stared at Draco for a moment, a person he clearly idolised, torn between going with Parkinson and Zabini or staying and securing his friendship "you must be mad, mate. Whatever you-know-who's got you doing... it's messing with your head" he turned too and left, only Crabbe and Goyle remained, they gave Draco a slight nod to tell him all was well and left too.

"I think that went well" Celeste said with a smile, locking the image of Pansy'a face safe in her head.

She got up on her tip toes to kiss him, as she was just reaching his height three people rounded the corner, clearly on their way to the Gryffindor common room, they each gasped when they saw the sight before them, Harry especially, but Celeste did not think to stop, she pressed her lips to Draco's and ignored their audience, if they were really her friends then they would accept it, if they weren't then they would have to get over it. Because she was with Draco now, and there was nothing they could do.

For nikkirazavi the last fan of this story, I'm gonna keep publishing just for you for being a fantastic avid supporter of this here story, hope you enjoy, love!

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For nikkirazavi the last fan of this story, I'm gonna keep publishing just for you for being a fantastic avid supporter of this here story, hope you enjoy, love!

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